Chapter 5- Amid Loneliness

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Startled by what he said, I turned around confused. He marched slowly to the nearest chair and seated. “It would be my biggest gratitude if you’ll help us.” He’s squeezing his hand repeatedly feeling anxious. This is the first time I saw him trembling.

   “How can I help you when I’m helpless myself? I don’t have any abilities like you two.”

    “You don’t need to have abilities like us. All you need is to… to help us escape.”

   “What are you trying to say?”

    “I… I wanted you to be the bride for a while.”

    My eyes narrowed as I can’t hardly believe what he just uttered. All I thought that I’ll be with them as they escape, but I was wrong.

“Sounds rude for you but you need to hear me clearly. This is the only way we can get through. And you are the only person I can trust.”

“You don’t understand what you’re saying. I’m leaving.” As I try to walk away, he suddenly held my hand. I turned around and slapped him. Hard as I wanted him to wake up from reality. “You are insane. What happened to you? You’ll sacrifice me here alone just for her? Can’t you hear what you’re saying? Dumbass!”

I can see his eyes full of guilt as he tries to wipe away his tears.  “Please hear me first. I won’t leave you alone, Alice. I promise to your grandfather to never leave your side no matter what even he warned me to stay away from you.”

“I will not hear you anymore.” With disgust, I shake my head in disbelief. I marched away but then I stop, thinking there still a way. I turned to him again. “Do you really need to do this? You will sacrifice me. I can die here. And I will not forgive you.” I tried to threaten him in any away I could think but all I see is a powerless dhampir whose decision is to barter his only best friend to the fate of his beloved. I stormed out trying to stop my tears from coming out. This is the rudest thing he did to me and I can’t believe he can even say that in front of my face.

I stopped when I accidentally bumped to someone. I looked up only to find out who he was, Luciel. He curiously looks at me after my tears just fall but before he could ask anything, I run away.

“Hey, are you fine?” Troy held my hand before I open the main door. He began inspecting my face for he wanted an answer. I can’t even put into words what I wanted to say, what I wanted to tell him. About Shin’s plan.

I just shook my head and said nothing but he never believe me. “I know you’re not okay. Did something happened to your class? Did they already find out?” He started to panic and thinking about the worst case scenario.

“No, not that.”

Even I felt devastated and wanting to explode, I can’t even say a word with all that I heard from Shin. Funny thing is… I still managed to protect the man who gives me so much reason to detest him. “I just wanted to go home.”

“Let’s go.” Troy dragged me out of the hallway to nowhere. Running from Lucif Academy, I felt calmer and realize how pity I would be without Troy by my side. He was here so that I can release the dreadful things I felt and stopping him was not in the option since I really wanted to leave this place too.

The moon and the stars are the only beauty that’s left when everything falls apart, they are the only tools to ease the pain whenever I feel desolate. As if they’re pulling all negative vibes surrounding me, trying to take away my sadness.


Confused, I looked around to see a little abandoned house in the middle of the woods. It’s kind of creepy but the moment I observed the place, there’s this kind of feeling that I’ve been here. I don’t know when and how. They called it: Déjà vu.

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