Chapter 23- The Dungeon

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His wearing odd long coat with a touch of red in the wrist area. His neck was covered with a black scurf. While his long legs were covered a black pants. It’s the first time I saw him wearing that.

He glared unto me, unkindly like a lion ready to lunge to me. I was anxious but remained still while waiting for him to get near me. He then stops as he reached approximately ten-meters away. “You have no right to die in your own without getting the most maximum punishment, murderer.” He said with full of resentment on his tone.

Embarrassment has showered over me completely as he said it without stuttering. His heart must've been full of hatred now that he knew who I was.

“I am here to see that you won’t kill yourself since I should be the one to kill you.” He bended his knees for him to label my eyes. “I won’t asking for your death wish since you have nothing aside from dying.”

“Right. This is what you want. Is killing me make the woman you love rose from the dead?” His eyes widened as he doesn’t thought of me saying this way or I might anger him more. “Kill me then and let’s see if anything changes. If this act will make your heart free from resentment, then do it. For I will say to you once and for all, I didn’t have a memory of killing her.”

With his insanity, he holds my neck as he strangles and raised me. His eyes turned bloody red as his fangs grew bigger. “You, monstrous thing, do you think denying everything will make you free from certainty? I feel sorry for myself for meeting someone like you. So for the sake of everyone, I will kill the golden blood.” His nails sank deeper into my neck, I’m struggling to breathe.

“If… If I really kill her, then she made her way back to this world bit me first and became a dhampir like you. Causing me to lose control and find her to kill, right?” His hands started to become weak, I coughed repeatedly still gasping for air. “I know you weren’t that fool to just think that I killed your betrothed without knowing she’s a dhampir.”

“She’s a hunter and a human! You lose control killing someone without even knowing she’s a human. You! Don’t try to find a reason for your disgusting deeds.” His hand continues to strangle me as I try to move my feet.

“I’m telling you… what I think is possible reason of why… I might killed her.” I cough holding his hand trying to stop him. “She became a dhampir…she lusts for blood. This is the truth.” I closed my eyes as I gasp for more air but I can’t longer breathe.

“Luciel, I think she has a point. She—“

“Stop it! You shouldn’t listen to this woman, Kale.” He warned him.
I can’t take it anymore as he held me tighter.

“You’re right. Kill me now and I’ll be gone forever.” His grip strengthens and maybe this is the last time breathing the air from Hamartia. I looked up to the sky wishing something I should’ve done—never laid my feet to the other world.

“Stop this, Luciel.” 

When I almost died from his strangling, someone spoke. A woman voice. A calm kind of voice that made Luciel stops and weakens his hand.

“Don’t hinder me Elena. I won’t hear you this time.”

I slowly open my eyes and saw a woman wearing some silky black clothing. She has a beautiful face I’ve ever seen.

“This will not reciprocate everything that happened in the past. And she can’t die just like that.”

“This will at least ease the pain I’ve been hiding. This is my revenge.”

“Father will not be happy for this, you know that. You better stop childish acts and give her to him. That will be the best revenge for Arria.” She instructed.

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