Chapter 19 - The Golden Rays

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I remembered her saying his father is sick and needed a Golden Blood to heal. I kept silent as I think of it.  She holds my hand and dragged me to last tent, Troy followed us. As she opened it, I saw her father lying on the bed with someone beside him cleaning the wound in his abdomen. There were two young men standing on the other side of the man.

“He was the strongest hunter back then,” Czarina started to tell a story. “He was a coach and a great fighter. Everyone looks up to him until one night he just fell down and lose conscious, we thought it’s just a simple worn-out day training that made him exhausted but the next day it became worst. Isagani, that doctor you see told us he has a tumor in his stomach that keeps on growing. It’ll be dangerous if we can’t find a way to heal him. We tried to let out in that Portal but it’s dangerous. That portal is owned by the dhampirs and it’s locked. One night, when he’ out in the woods alone, he was fighting with a dhampir and got bitten there, he became a dhampir afterwards but his cancer got even worst.” She looks at me and saw my reaction and then she nodded.

“That’s what we thought. But it never happened. Being a dhampir doesn’t healed him. The cancer is getting more active in his body.”

“Then why you’re still looking for a Golden Blood? If a bite of a dhampir didn’t work on his system, it means that he’s…”

“I heard that a Golden Blood could heal anyone.”


“You can help me with this. I know, this is the only way.”

“But you know that… I don’t even know how this works. Me, being the Golden Blood is still not in my mind.”

“This is the right time to test your ability, Alice. I am here to help you.”

I looked at his father. And when I looked at him, all I could see is when I stab Lux that makes him vanished into thin air. Like he never existed. I shook my head and walk away to the tent. I can’t help it. Those words that Sabel utters about me kept getting on my nerves. She’s right, I’m a murderer and I will not helping him alive, I might kill him without knowing afterwards.

“You’re giving her the hard time Czarina. This is not the right moment for that.” Troy said after they also went out.

Czarina kneeled and didn’t bother listening to Troy who’s in front of me. “Please. This is the only way I could save him. I don’t want to bury a father.”

I looked down, “I’m sorry. But I’m afraid that I can’t control myself. When someone drinks my blood, I’m losing it and it triggers me to kill them without knowing.” I looked at her. “I can’t save your father. I am sorry.” After hearing it, her tears falls as she cries. There’s nothing I can do about it. I won’t do any reckless things anymore.

“Czarina! Your father wanted to see you.” Said the doctor

“Really? Why? Is there’s something wrong?”

“He… I think he can’t take it anymore. His disease is now getting worse than the last time.” He said.

“No… He can survive it. I knew him, he is strong.”

“Czarina, you know that your father will not last any longer. It’s hard to accept but it’s his fate.”

“The Golden Blood will help me.”

“You know we don’t know if it really helps him regain himself. He’s still a human.”

Czarina rushed to my side wrapping herself around my legs. “Please. Help me. I can do whatever you wanted me to do. You’re the only one who could save him. If you can make a dhampir live eternity why not my father? He needs it more than anybody else!”

“Czarina, stop this nonsense. You’re already out of your mind.” Troy tried to get Czarina away from me but she’s persistent.

“As long as my father is alive, I will be alive too. Help me and I will be your slave forever.”

“Czarina!” Someone came and shouted her name repeatedly. He run and stop beside us and couldn’t say anything since he’s gasping for air. “You need to hurry. Your father… is dead.”

Czarina became hysterical and screamed while running back to the tent. I heard her screaming so loud that makes everyone in their tent went out rushing to where Czarina’s father was in.

I cleared my mind and want to believe that this is the right thing to do other than killing another one again. Troy helps me as he covered my both ears. I turned into him as he nodded. “You didn’t do anything wrong. You just did what you think it’s right.” When Troy leads me the way, I saw the hunters’ emotion while looking down. It’s as if Czarina’s father was their own family too.

“You are the Golden Blood right?” A young girl came in front of us. Her eyes were filled with tears ready to fall. But she still tries to be brave. “Czarina said only the Golden Blood can help Uncle James. Then why are you running away from your responsibility?”

“Young girl, she is not running away. She just trying to stop the worst thing from happening.”

“Is saving life is the worst thing?”

From there, I was stopped as if there was something pierce through my heart. What this young innocent girl said made me feel that I was a pathetic person. I tried so hard to get away from everything that was given unto me. While Troy is doing his best to explain to a young girl, I hurriedly came back to that tent. Hove away the hunters just to enter the tent again. And there I saw Czarina gasping and screaming while wrapping her hand to a lifeless body.

Someone held my hand and I saw the young girl who spoke with me outside the tent, “There’s still a chance. Heal him.” She orders as she gave me the knife. I walked closer to where the lifeless body was. I could hear Troy’s trying to stop me but what I heard the most was Czarina’s crying helplessly. She was screaming for her father’s name repeatedly. If I could just give help, just this one.

“Give me a way.” I said to Isagani, he silently gave me the space. Czarina looks at me as I raises the knife and my hand. She was silent and so as everyone. I close my eyes and squeeze the knife in my wrist. I can feel the heat bursting as my blood dripped down into the white cloth. I moved my wrist below his mouth and waited for some blood to pour into. Every drop I can feel my birthmark is aching too. It’s like they’re connected to each other. It’s burning. I opened my eyes to see if anything happened to Czarina’s father. And there I saw his wound slowly gone, his face becomes brighter and what’s more unbelievable is that, he opens his eyes.

“Father, you’re… alive.” Said Czarina who was at the moment of surprised. He seated as the two young men helped him.

“She’s really the Golden Blood!” Everyone’s kept on talking behind me but I still couldn’t believe it in my own eyes.

“How did this happened?” His father finally uttered.

“The Golden Blood raised you from the dead.”

Czarina said, and when his father and I met gaze, my eyes burned like hell, I screamed due to pain. Czarina then move her way to cover his father so I ran away pushing the hunters desperately. Outside, I saw the elders in front of me, I kneeled down as my eyes can’t stop flashing an impenetrable light, I can’t control it even I tried to cover and opened again, it’s still flashing.

“This is…the Golden Blood’s rays.”  
Before I could do a thing, my mind went black and the last thing I remember was falling down to the ground.

She's Alice LunaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang