Chapter 4 - Holia

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At least, I managed to get at the main hall where the ceremony began already. I saw that bastard sitting on the stage with the other student that I presumed part of the council. I seated on the last corner while looking at him. He was too calm like nothing happened last night. He's full of confidence that I wanted to pull him down the stage and break his neck.

That's probably because you cured that bastard. It's your fault. My mind was too manic because of him. I can't accept the fact that I was the sole reason why that bastard is annoyingly alive.

"You know him?"

I was startled when I heard Troy spoke beside me. He was already seated and looked at me with his curious tone.

"Who?" I tried to fix the way I seated.

"That person you are looking at the stage."

"N—No way." I answered.

"You're looking at him for about half an hour." He stated.

My eyes widened, "Really?" is only I can say.

He started laughing, "No. I'm just kidding. Here, take this." He handed me an apple. And my eyes widened and felt surprised. "You cannot survive here if you'll not eat this."

I get it and look at my surroundings trying to see if someone's looking at me. "It's fine. They wouldn't know it." He came closer to me to whisper. "It's the only fruit that dhampirs love to eat." He said. I felt a sudden tickling sensation as he breathe out.

"Thanks," I instantly move away as I tried to gasp some fresh air.

"Is there's something wrong? Did he hurt you?" He asked.

"Not yet. How are you?" Glad that I find a way to change the subject. There's no way I would bluntly say that I knew that bloodsucker.

"I'm fine. I happened to see you alone in the sea of leeches." He whispered, "Are you not afraid?"

"Afraid from what?"

He smiled. This is the first time I saw him look so bright.

"Such a resilient. It keeps me want to be like you."

I smiled back at him. This is the first time I heard someone admires me. It makes me blush. "I'm happy that you're finally look normal too. I mean... healthier." He turned silent as though he was not happy at all. "Sorry, did I just say something wrong?"

"Nothing." He shrugged. "It's just that, this is the first lengthy conversation we had. Like five minutes?" He laughs, "I was actually happy that you're here. It feels like I was back into our world."

The atmosphere turned better as we talked typically. Because of him, I forgot how annoyed I was, and for a moment, I realized that I feel more secured than I was with Shin. It's kind of different. "Actually, I was planning to go back to Earth." I said with a low tone. "I just needed to find a way to escape."

"Is it because of Shin and Cindy?"

"Kind of. I just feel like, I don't have a reason for here to stay anymore." I feel the urge to cry but I don't want to be the laughing stock so I squeeze my eyes. But Troy suddenly held my hand and pressed it. "Will you stay here for me?" He asked but then I remained silent and didn't have anything to say.

After the ceremony for newly vampires, he walked with me to my room. I was more confuse of what to say since I didn't respond to his appeal.

We were not on the same class as he began on the first semester. Vampire school is more of systematic. There were rules and they obeyed it. This is the school for dhampirs, so they welcomed half human and half vampire without a doubt.

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