Chapter 9 - Getting caught

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“M—me?” I queried with my shuddering voice. The more she marched closer, the more I moved back slowly. As she raised her hand to me, I tried to move away until I fell down from my bed. I growled in pain.

I saw her got something inside my bag, “This, you didn’t told me you have apples!”

All my sweat went down my cheeks. Looking at her eating apples made me blew huge sigh. I began to feel more conscious and too observant knowing I don't have my potion with me.

Sabel is telling the truth. More guards were placed in every corner of the Academy. They were dhampirs who wore black coat, black shoes, eyeglass tinted with black. They can be scary most especially when they look at you (I really think they're looking at me), I looked back instantly fearing they will notice me as a human but they’re not. I’m getting the weird feeling as to why they can’t smell me as a human. Am I becoming a dhampir? Or do I smelled like them since I can’t took a shower due to extreme cold?

With composure, I entered the room and saw my classmates circling chatting over something serious. “I’m sad about the son of the emperor. That bitch is not worth of the traditional ceremony. This is why hunters cannot be trusted to be part of us.” Said one of the girl with big eyes like an owl.

“What’s the point of marrying a hunter? They could’ve just pick one of the daughters who doesn’t have a stinky blood as hunters.” She said as she covered her nose as if she can smell stinky.

“My mother told me that they chose a hunter’s blood to be remained protected. They believe that they need the hunter’s protection from the pure-blooded vampires. This is why every year; their coven is choosing the best trusted hunter’s family that could join them.”

“Still, they are stink like a wolf.”

They’re laughing, and I can’t stop my anger, so I rushed towards them, “You’re sipping every type of blood like a leech. Aren't you stinky too?”

They turned to me and gave me stared in disgust, “Who are you to say that? You are a dhampir too.”
I gulped fearing they might notice me, “Yes, I am, and I know for sure that my blood is the stinky of all. But you shouldn’t make fun of the hunters. At least they’re human they can be strong and could break your neck.”

The one with a big eyes like an owl laugh with sarcasm, “Look what we have here.” She observed me from head to toe, “Are you born to a dhampir family or just got bitten by some vampire out there? I pity you.” She whispered folding her arms laughing with the crowd.

“I pity you the most.” After she hears me, I saw how she her fangs grew ready to take a bite. She grabs my neck and raised me.

“Come on, show me your fangs!” She demands as her nerves becomes visible and her eyes turned bloodshot. I coughs as I tried to move away her hands off me. But her resiliency draining my pity power.

“Showing your tiny fangs can’t be of any help. We, the newbie were not allowed to show our fangs until the end of the semester. If any officials happened to see you, you may be put in dungeon all night. That’s in the number one code of ethics from The Book of Lucif Academy.”

We turned around only to see Czarina standing with her eyes glaring.

“Ha. Who said I’m showing my fangs?” She the release me and I landed on the floor again. The jerk then bumped me while walking out of the room. All the students in her circle already went to their seat as the two of us kept on looking to each other until she walks silently and sat.

“Thanks for helping me out.” I said after sitting next to her.

“I’m not helping you. I’m just stating a fact.” She utters in her own monotonous way.

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