Chapter 11- The Golden Blood has arrived

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Awakened by the annoying bell who continuously rang, I woke and stand up still tipsy. But when I opened the door, there's no one other than the apples in a basket and a bottled of water placed on the floor. I got it and saw a note.

Nothing else is healthier other than me. (For apples)
I am the only one you could drink. (For the bottled water)

My heart skips a beat again as I thought of Troy. Even we don't see each other nowadays because he's probably out looking for his sister. He still have time to make it for me. But is it possible for him to do this and come back searching for his sister again? He is the only one I knew who would done this.

Anyway, he is not aware of my new kind of drink. But now, I had doubts. I rushed into the comfort room to vomit and withdraw not a blood or a transparent color but a full black liquid with a terrible smell. My head is turning round and round that I almost fell, glad that I held the doorknob quickly as my adrenaline rush kicked in. My head hurts like hell, it's burning from deep within my system. I screamed but Sabel is not around to hear me. My vision is about to become dark, I can't handle myself anymore as the numbness on my knees surges. I fell and was laying on the floor.

"No one should know about this."

"Yes, master."

I saw a young man from my blurry vision who's talking to a woman dressed up in white. Where am I? Did I die? I'm sure of it. I can't even raise my hand as if it was numb or something. My vision is still not clear, but I saw him getting closer to me. He's looking at me for a minute. I don't know him. But... his stare seems odd.

"Take care of her. I should go," he muttered.

"Yes, master." The woman giving respect to the young man. Who is he? How did he end up saving me from death when I was on my room?

I felt the blood taste and scent had gone through my system. But the memory of how I felt while drinking it never left me though I felt discouraged on the effect it left me. That blood that made me feel alive here is what made me sick that I thought I could die. Though the flavor consumed me as if I was a true vampire, it nearly kills me.

"Oh, you finally woke up. Your vital signs are getting in good condition." She said after putting a stethoscope in my chest.

My visions are becoming stable as I finally saw the woman clearly. She seems old, but I feel that she is also a dhampir.

"Who is he?" I asked right after I became conscious.

She glanced at me and bit her lower lip before she shook her head slowly."I'm afraid I could not give you information about my master. He prefers to remain anonymous. You can go back to your class now before they can notice your absence."

I raised myself slowly while she assisted me. She's calmer but with conviction. I didn't say anything and obeyed her. My things were already prepared in the table. I began to feel strange as to who did all of this?

I could feel that I am back to normal. My head never ache anymore as what happened. The nurse told me to never drink blood again. I don't know how she knew that. But is she aware that I'm not a dhampir? Is my potion that Raya gave is not working anymore? I began to feel sensible.

Upon reaching the hallway, I noticed that their eyes were on me. I keep asking on myself why? Is something wrong with my face or with the way I walk? Do I look more like a human now? But as I walk near to them, it feels like they feared me that they make a way for me to walk in a large space.

"I didn't know that you are close with him," Someone spoke behind me and my eyes widened as I saw Czarina, the girl who doesn't wanted to be friends and doesn't want to speak with me finally able to ask me some question.

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