Chapter 8 - Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

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"Mr. Aegeus, we need to search for your room."

Since Troy's room is serene, I can clearly hears what they're talking about. "What is this about?" he sounds more serious.

"Your sister just got kidnapped by someone. We were just doing our standard protocol." The man politely explained.

Troy heaved, "If this is about my sister who were gotten by some bastard, she's not here."

"The Headquarters ordered to strictly search every room thoroughly even if he's your sister." He demands.

"I don't need to follow your rules. I have my own."
Troy calmly retorts with more conviction.

"Mr. Aegeus, please cooperate before we forced to enter your room." They are more hesitant to come in which made me shivers. Once they successfully enters the room, I'll be doomed.

"Leave him alone." A familiar voice suddenly spokes. It was Troy's father. "My son wouldn't do anything to break the treaty. I know someone who could do that. My people were already searching for them."

"But we must do our job." He insisted.

"We have our own protocol and we are already doing it. So you must search the other rooms."

"If that's your wish."

I can't hardly hear the footsteps near us, so I suppose they're already gone.

"Cindy is gone." Troy's father states as I heard his steps more audible. "Like what we thought it could happen."

"I heard."

"That bastard gives me a real headache. I should've killed him while I had a chance."

"I'll find them no matter what. I'll never be back without her. I'll bring Cindy alive."

"Thank you, son. You can do whatever you wanted to him. I want him vanished."

My heart's beating rapidly. Yes, I hated them for abandoning me. But the thought of hearing his father wanted him dead, it made me feel horrible. Even though I tried to see the reality that they were good without me, my conscience keeps battling. I need to find them before Troy could.

"I heard Alice came with Shin." His father stated, I covered my mouth so I won't make any noise. Even we had a good relationship, still I just made his daughter run away just like that.

"Yes." Troy answered

"Then, she might have known something." I saw from the little hole a vision of his father walking slowly near his bed. He faced his son and waited him to answer.

"She might know something. I'm going to meet her tonight."

"How do you know you could still meet her? Shin and Cindy already run away. Aren't it too suspicious if she's still here with these sea of dhampirs lurking everywhere?" His father turned out to be more dangerous. My hands already shiver as if I'm going to get caught anytime. As he slowly went closer to mine, I can't help but to close my eyes.

"Mr. Aegeus, we found something in your daughter's room." Someone just entered the room making me calm a little. He stopped and turned around.

"Troy, you need to find your twin sister before all of us will be dumped in a dark pit." His father alarmed him.

Troy didn't said anything. He remained silent. After his father didn't received any answer, he turned around and stare at the cabinet where I'm hiding.

For now, I needed to make Troy thought that I slept. I heard the door closed so this is my cue to close my eyes. I felt the door of closet opens. He heaved a sigh and patted my head.

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