Authors note

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So I planned on sharing part one at some point this week but by the looks of it I'm not going to have time to complete the first chapter and I won't have time next week because I will be in Florida at Disney. So in between while at the hotel I'll try finding time and maybe but some miracle I'll finish before or during but it's not looking too good. I'm really in a slump with how to start it I've rewritten it a million times already I just can't seem to find what I like or where I want to see the story go. But most of the time I just go with the flow which I'm sure you've noticed. Some times I don't even know how a chapter turns out until it's done but they always turn out amazing.

I've never put anything out there but most if not all of my stories have not been edited or proof read which I'm sure you've also noticed which I apologize for I will eventually go back and fix grammar and spelling again I just seem to have no time anymore.

Anyways thanks for reading I love all of you, your feed back and comments. I'm always open for a kind of story you'd like or some criticism so don't think you'll hurt my feelings because how else will I grow as a writer. I've had a comment about switching POVs through out the chapter and I will try not to keep doing that I know it gets super annoying I personally hate reading stories like that so I don't know why I write like that some times I just don't know how to continue in one POV and I end up switching them so I'll try to stop that.

Anyway thanks again guys I look forward to writing this story and I hope you're excited to read it. Here's hoping it comes out good and at a reasonable time 😂 I usually don't take too long to write a story but I'm going to make this more of a novel instead of just a quick thousand word fan fiction so chapter up dates will be a while. I'll try to keep up with keeping you posted on how things are coming along and so on.

In the mean time feel free to drop in and read something else. If you want recommendations I'll let you know my personal favorites at the bottom of this note 😁

Again ideas for new stories are welcome let me know what you'd like to see or read and I'll figure it out and pray it comes out to your liking. I've done this before, For Me was a fan fiction that someone suggested it didn't go far which I'm actually upset about because being how I'm plus size myself I should've had a lot of ideas but I really fell short so I hope I won't do that again, I was also between fan fictions then and was trying to write more than one at a time and just found the new one more interesting sadly. I tend to do that a lot it just helps me focus more believe it or not. But anyway maybe an update on that one will happen let me know if you have any ideas. But if not sit back and enjoy the crazy ideas that are my own.

I will give credit for the idea if you'd like for that to happen I believe I did give credit to the woman that suggested it on my instagram page @Little_Bitta_Leto where I do also post my stories and you can let me know fees back ideas ect.

Well I think that's it thanks guys ♥️ love you all.

Favorite list in order from most to least:

1) Behind the Lights
2) Business Per Usual
3) Roadies
4) Playing With Fire
5) The Affair
6) Exposed
7) Harboring a Fugitive
8) Caught in the Crossfire
9) Fangirls
10) The One and Only
11)  The Teachers Assistant
12)  For Me
13) Psychotic

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