Chapter 2

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Oh my god I just remembered I had to post 😂 it's 9:16 at night and now I have to update and get up at 4am 👏🏻😂 love you guys have fun until I get back
I couldn't believe it. It was like seeing the Loch Ness Monster. For a moment my breath left me I couldn't believe he was coming out of his room. Wait, why did Chris call him Jared? It's his father. I look at the children as they gape at him, he takes his seat at the far end of the table, putting me at the foot now. He stares at me, his eyes boring into me without blinking, he rich, royal blue eyes analysed me his brown hair is long and pulled up into a manbun, his beard overgrown, making him look like those people in the shows about people who live in Alaska, but he still seemed out of place in his oversize Gucci shirt and jeans. He tilts his head up, his chin tipping as his top lip curls just slightly, a look of distaste taking over his handsome features.

    "Who are you?" I couldn't believe it. His baritone voice is nothing like the videos I'd watched, nothing like the music I'd listened to. He sounds different, looks so different. I honestly couldn't believe how different the family looked compared to their pictures. They look nothing like they did in the portfolio Danica sent me.

    "I'm Fiora, I'm the new-"

    "Not anymore you're not." He stands up from his chair. "Emma." He calls out to her his hand leaning on the table. "Who the fuck is this?"

    "That's Fiora Grace, she's the new-"

    "I want her out."

    "Um." She hesitates a second side glancing at me. "Jared I understand, but we can't-"

    "I don't give a fuck I want her out."

    "Jared-" She calls after him but he disappears back down the hallway.

    "Um Emma." She sighs and looks back at me.

    "Ignore him, he's fired us all at some point. You're fine." She waves me off like it's no big deal and walks out. As I lay in bed that night I start to think about the day. My first meeting with Jared was not at all what I thought it would be like and what the hell is that calling him Jared thing? Why are the kids calling him by his first name if they're his children? They should be calling him dad, or father if he wanted something more formal, but Jared, that's just weird. Honestly I don't even know what to expect from him, he seemed very hot and cold when it came to a lot of things, and maybe that's what made him such a good actor, but why was he like that toward his kids. They're a part of him, they share his DNA. I suddenly felt nothing but pure anger. How could he be so ungrateful, so cold hearted to the little beings that want nothing more than to make him happy? Most people spend day in and day out praying to get pregnant, to get some kind of miracle for a baby, for a family. I feel the familiar pain tear threw my chest. Huffing I get up out of bed and slip downstairs still in my shirt and underwear. I knew no one would be awake, so I'm not too worried about it. I lean against the counter in the kitchen looking out over the back yard as I take sips from the glass of water and chow down on the cookies in the cookie jar when I notice a shadow moving through the yard following the in of the trees. I couldn't see who it was from this distance. My entire body freezes up. Is someone breaking into the house? The shadow stops moving before coming closer striding across the yard toward the sliding doors. It's a shirtless Jared in a pair of basketball shorts and sneakers. As he draws closer his skin looks tinted red, his hair a mess, headphones in his ears, a light sheen of sweat covering his bare skin. What the hell was he doing? Working out? It's nearly midnight even though it looks more like twelve in the afternoon. I tense even more when he comes in and heads right into the kitchen, his body stopping in the doorway leading to the dining room.

    "I thought I told you to get the fuck out of here." He growls, panting.

    "Emma said I was fine." He shakes his head, turning toward the refrigerator pulling out a bottle of cold water, practically bathing himself in it. I don't wait for an obnoxious reply before going back toward the stairs. I didn't even know this man that well but I already couldn't stand to be in his presence.

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