Chapter 1

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I have no idea how I accomplished a chapter in two days but here it is. It's not edited I figure since I stayed home today that I'd finish and post it and here it is. 👏🏻 it's really long so I hope you enjoy it. Most times it only takes me 2-4 days to finish a chapter unless I'm extremely busy.
I look up at the house taking a deep breath. The two story house was basically glass panels with dark black columns holding it together. It was definitely expensive and unique, definitely something I wasn't used to, but then again how usual is this for me? I wasn't a nanny, frankly I never even liked kids, I was however an amazing lawyer. I could argue my way out of just about anything, make even the guiltiest of people look as innocent as God himself. What I didn't plan on happening was the scandal that arose when I became a lawyer. My boss, a fairly decent looking man in his early forties who had the undeniable hots for me, decided he didn't like my playing "coy" and told the entire firm that the only reason I got my job was because I "blew him daily under his desk". Me? I did that? So of course the CEO found out and that ended that. It didn't take long for them to spread the word that I was nothing more than an easy lay and half the men I worked with, some of which were "happily married with kids", wanted to "bang me for a quick buck". When I cried sexual harassment no one cared so leaving was my only option. Now I couldn't get a decent job any where because of that man.

Now, my last resort was going to find someone that paid me decent for doing a job that didn't involve blowing someone anywhere. It's not that I didn't like kids, they've always been fond of me, for reasons I can't imagine because let's face it my personality was shit not to mention boring and I had the mouth of a sailor. I dressed like a business woman who worked at the best of the best wall street job when really I didn't have a pot to piss in anymore. Sharing a studio apartment with a woman from high school wasn't exactly where I wanted to be in life at thirty. I was hoping to at the very least be in a penthouse in New York City not a studio in Jersey. I'd somehow scraped together enough money to fly up to Alaska. I'd had someone reach out to me through the grape vine of friends about a nannying job. I really didn't want to take it but they thought because of kids liking me it would be a good last minute thing, but I wasn't about to fly all the way up to Alaska without doing my research.

Jared Joseph Leto, was a man that didn't believe in marriage or having kids. He was a crazy ambitious, talented man that set outrageous goals and managed to reach each and every one of them. He had millions of fans all over the world and it was a wonder how he made it to Alaska without anyone knowing. He wasn't completely off the grid he still managed to keep up with releasing music making him busy enough to need a little help with his kids. At least that's what it said in the description. The rest of my research on him was basic, his mom lived in Seattle still, her and his brother came up to see him regularly, but the most interesting thing about the entire interview was that he himself wouldn't be speaking with me. His assistant Emma on the other hand would be.

I almost didn't want to go in. God only knew what I would be dealing with when it came to this crass man. Crass, that's what he was. Foul mouthed, loudly opinionated, and extremely busy but he still had time to be a playboy. He always kept his private life just that private but when he had kids it got out and spread like wildfire throughout the entire world. The mother to the twins is still unknown, and every other nanny that he's had has been sworn to secrecy, signing some kind of contract, or so I've heard. How he had children I didn't know. As much as I didn't want to go, as much as I hesitated to turn around and go home, I had to go in. I needed this job as much as I hated to admit it. They paid extremely well for a nannying job, gave me a place to stay while watching the children, they even gave me my own car once this thing went through.

I step up to the front door ready to face the world inside. They knew I was here, I had to stop at the front gate, or rather the driver that picked me up at the "airport" had to buzz us in. The house was surrounded by giant pine trees, a small lake in the backyard reflected the sun right into the windshield of the Cadillac. The yard was huge, at least 16 acres of short grass spread out from the sleek two story house, then nothing but huge trees and forest line the property. Somewhere throughout the forest I assume is the rest of the fencing so that no one could enter the property without coming in through the gate at the end of the driveway. It was far to fancy for someone like me to be staying in, but my mom always said "count your blessings even when they didn't seem like much", so I guess the same thing applies here. When I step up to the huge stained oak door it automatically opens. A man with salt and pepper hair dressed in a suit and tie looks at me, a kind smile on his face.

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