Chapter 5

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Well I don't know how this happened some times I amaze myself 😂 anyway here's chapter 5. I hope some things are starting to come to light about the past of both characters, but this is just skimming the surface of both of them.
I wake up the next morning far too late, my mind hazy with pain. I was dreading getting up. I felt lost, alone, I didn't want to face anyone especially the children. I pull myself up to shower before getting dressed. I stand in front of Chris' door first taking a deep breath to try and center myself but it wasn't working. I felt off balance and bewildered. I try again steeling myself before going into his room.

"Chris hun, come on get up. I'm sorry I woke up late." But when I flick on the lights the beds already made. What the... lost I go down to the kitchen and find the kids at the dining table. "Good morning loves. Why didn't you wake me this morning?"

"We thought you deserved to sleep." Claire says flashing me a toothless smile. She'd lost her tooth yesterday morning as she bit into a piece of bagel.

"Thank you." I flash her a bright smile, or rather what I hope was a bright smile, before sitting beside them at the table. Danielle brings me out my breakfast and we make idle chat about their knew teacher. They seemed to like the old man quite a bit and were, maybe for the first time in their lives, having a difficult time with the lesson which they seemed to enjoy.

We're about to get up and put our plates in the sink when Jared comes in and sits at the head of table. The room grows thick with tension, my body actually breaks out into a cold sweat. The make up on my neck did a sufficient job hiding all of the marks he left there last night. Thank god it was cold and the rest of me was covered in long clothes.

"Good morning Jared." Chris says nervously eyeing his father.

"Hello." Is all he says as he continues looking at the paper in his hand. Danielle brings him breakfast and disappears before he can say anything, not that he was going to.

"Okay guys, lets go, it's time for your lesson." I usher them to stand up, picking up my plate in the process. The three of us take our plates to the sink and go out into the living room. As we walk past Jared the kids say goodbye but he doesn't respond nor do I say anything.

The day flies by thankfully and I go right to my room after dinner leaving the kids to play in Claire's room. I flop down on my bed the constricting feeling still in my chest. I knew it was from the memories last night as much as I want to stay awake and sort through my issues my eyes grow heavy and I fall asleep quickly.

I'm woken by a pair of tiny hands making me groggily open my eyes to see who it was. The twins stare down at me, not saying anything, and they didn't have to, I lift the quilt off my body as a sign for them to join me. Chris hops in bed, climbing over me as Claire runs to turn off the lights before following suit. About an hour later I'm woken up once again my a larger warmer hand. Begrudgingly I peel my eyes open to look up at the culprit. Jared hovers above me, his blue eyes piercing into my tired honey brown ones.

"Get up." He grunts.

"No." I hiss. "What the hell time is it?"

"It's just after two, now let's go." He grabs my bicep yanking me out of bed and out my bedroom door. He takes me across the hallway into his room where he flings me inside and closes the door.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I growl at him. "Why the fuck did you wake me up?" I barely had bough time to register what his room even looked like before I was being pinned down to his memory foam mattress. My breath leaves my lungs in one gust my body already alight with need, but this time I was of mind and body. "No." I say firmly pushing him away from me. It seemed to be enough to stop him, which honestly surprised me. "I can't."

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