Chapter 9

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Sorry guys I've been crazy busy and just kept adding and adding to this chapter I didn't realize how long it got I actually broke some of it up into chapter ten 😂 I'm getting more busy as June progresses so I don't know how often I'm going to be updating but I'm going to try my best. Anyways enjoy ❤️
Graduation countdown 10 days 🎉
The next morning... The kids and I go through the usual routine, but when we come down to have breakfast everyone's already at the table. They hesitate in the doorway, as if they don't want to join the rest of their family for breakfast.

"Go ahead." I encourage, pushing them forward a bit, making them go to their seats.

"Good morning children." Constance smiles at them slightly.

"Morning." The kids mutter not looking at their Grandmother.

"Morning Fiora." I'm the next she turns her attention to smiling still.

"Morning." I say confusion in my voice. What's got her in such a good mood? And so early in the morning. I look at Shannon for an explanation, but he just shrugs making me turn my attention to Jared, who's staring at me, but not looking at me. His eyes were unfocused as he looks at me.

"How did you sleep?"

"Fine thank you. How about you?"

"Great, one of the best nights in a long time."

"That's good." Danelle and Ruby bring us breakfast.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask the kids, trying to avoid anymore conversation with Constance.

"Can we snowtub today?" Chris asks reaching for his orange juice.

"Of course and what about you little Florentine?" She just shrugs one shoulder, pushing her omelette around her plate. "What's the matter?" I ask my hand coming to rest on her arm gently her skin warm to the touch. "Are you feeling alright?" I ask my hand pressing to her forehead. "You feel warm." I say softly. "Come on. Excuse us." I lift Claire off her chair, which she doesn't object to, resting her head on my shoulder, her arms loosely wrapped around my neck.

"Is she alright?" Shannon asks.

"I think she has a fever." I say carrying her from the dining room, making Chris chase after me. "Chris, go finish your breakfast."

"But Fi-"

"Chris, go." I point to the dining room before going up to Claire's room, laying her in bed before finding a thermometer. "Hundred and one. That's no good." I say looking at her, laying a cold washcloth on her forehead. "I'm going to have to get something at the store."

"Please don't leave me."

"It's okay. Just rest." I brush back her hair making her eyes flutter heavily. "Go back to sleep." I whisper, my fingers running through her hair. It doesn't take long for her to fall asleep, once she's out I go down stairs. "I'll be back I have to go out and get her something to bring the fever down."

"Fi." Chris comes over as I put my coat on.

"I'm sorry little man I can't go snow tubing today."

"I'll run out to get Claire's medication with you." I stand up looking at Constance, lost as to who she was. This was not Constance Leto, I don't know what she took this morning but I didn't like it.

"No that's fine, I'll be okay."

"No really I need to get some air anyway. Should we take her to the doctor?" I look at Shannon as she turns her back to me, putting on her jacket. I give him a what-the-actual-fuck look, but he just shrugs before she turns back around. "Fi?" I swear my heart skips a beat.

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