Chapter 12

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So I'm going to North Carolina Wednesday and we're driving so I'm going to have lots of time to write so chapter 13 will be up quick... hopefully 😅
A few days later... I wake up and get dressed before going to meet the kids at the dining room table for breakfast, Jared already there.

"Good morning my loves." I smile at the kids softly before sitting down. The kids brighten up immediately, clearly things weren't going well with warming up to their father.

"Good morning Fi!" The chirp their smiles stretching across their face.

"How'd you guys sleep last night?" I ask as Danielle brings me breakfast. "Thanks."

"Good." They answer in sync.

"And you?" I look up at Jared making his eyes snap up from his phone.

"What?" He asks sitting up straighter shoving more Avocado toast in his mouth.

"How did you sleep?"

"Do I ever sleep?" He asks watching me closely.

"How would I know?" I give him a playful smile before turning my attention back to the kids.

"What are we doing today Fi?" Chris asks.

"Whatever you want sweetness."

"Can we go shopping?" Claire asks. "I want some new clothes for my babies."

"Of course." I look back at Chris. "And what about you?" Chris shrugs.

"I just want to go out."

"Okay, there's a play place in town we can check that out after we find Claire's babies some clothes sound good?"

"Yeah." He grins.

"Will you come too Jared?" Claire asks turning her attention toward her father.

"Um I don't know." He says a panicked look on his face before he looks at me. He just looks at me for help or advice of some kind. I give him a short nod giving him the okay. "I have a few things I have to get done today." He says softly. I'm about to say something but the kids beat me to it.

"Okay." They say together before turning to look at me. 

"When are we going to leave Fi?"

"Whenever you guys are ready."

"Okay! We'll go put on shoes!"

"And our jackets!" They take off running up the stairs, almost tripping by the sound of some stumbling feet.

"Why didn't you say yes?" I ask looking up at him surprised, taking note that the kids had to put their dishes in the sink yet.

"I really do have things to do today."

"When don't you?" I practically snap my brow twitching in irritation.

"I have to make money in order for you to get paid Fiora." He snaps back. Bile rises in my throat. I feel like a cheap whore again.

"Whatever." I shake my head dropping the subject when the kids come running back in.

"We're ready Fi!"

"Put your plates in the kitchen." I practically snap at them, involuntarily. Nodding they grin at me as they take their plates, Chris snatching mine off the table as I go to stand. "I hope whatever the fuck you're doing today is worth leaving your children for." I hiss standing up as they come back out. "Thank you for taking my plate little man." I put my hand on his head smiling down at him before kissing his forehead softly.

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