Chapter 16

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Sorry it's so short and took me so freaking long I literally just finished it 😩 I'm so busy anymore and I don't want to give this up. So updates are going to be slow but please bare with me.
I sit down in a chair watching Jay from the sidelines as the kids sit cross legged beneath my chair. They were watching him with nothing short of aspiration. I couldn't be more proud of the growth between the three of them over the last week. It's been a long ass week with just coming to LA and sight seeing with the kids, but we always ended up on set somehow whether it be surprising Jay in the trailer or watching on set. By now, in the short amount of time since we've been here, they knew about the kids on set being his and it was strictly confidential.

"You guys ready to get out of here?" Morgan our driver asks his forest green eyes looking from me to the kids before looking back at me.

"We should go it's just about dinner time." I stand up from the chair the kids following after me. I wait for a few moments, just looking at Jay, before we turn to leave. Morgan takes us back to the house where I make dinner and we sit down to play a game before going to bed. The kids lay down in their beds with the TV on, the light casting a glow over their small faces. I stand in the adjoined doorway watching them sleep. It still blew my mind when I thought about how much they felt like my own kids. Sighing I go to my own room and lay down just trying to calm my thoughts when I hear the front door open. He must be exhausted. It's been a few nights since the last time we slept together, and I knew he wasn't sleeping because when I woke up at random times during the night he would be running or the light would be on in his office.

I get up and step into the hallway when I hear him start to come up the stairs with heavy feet. I wait by his door, leaning on the wall, he stops short a minute just looking at me until I open his bedroom door and step inside leading him to his bed. I sit down on what could now be considered my side of the bed before laying down. He stands at the foot of the bed looking at me for a moment before stripping off his clothes and getting in bed. He sighs contently, closing his eyes, my hand reaches out absently stroking his hair, my fingers running through his soft locks of brown hair. He turns over onto his side to face me, his arm slinging over my body to pull me into his bare chest. I couldn't believe what he was doing. We were cuddling for the first time, more importantly he was cuddling. I don't say anything, nuzzling into the side of his neck as my hand continues to stroke his hair. He falls asleep in a matter of seconds and I'm close behind him.

I wake up to the feel of his lips on my skin, kissing their way down my stomach, making me fidget. I wanted to sleep, to stay asleep even if it's for a little bit longer, but I didn't want to stop him either. His head slips down below the covers pulling the elastic band of my shorts down with his chin and his tongue sweeping over the skin between my Vlines. Making me gasp, my hands grabbing for the pillows, my legs lifting off the bed and parting for him. I feel him smile against the inside of my thigh before he throws the blanket off him, pulling my shorts down my calves grinning.

"Good morning my beautiful sleeping princess." His eyes twinkle in the lights of the rising sun.

"Good morning my overly sweet prince." I smile back at him. "What's got you in such a good mood?" I brush back his hair looking at him meaningfully.

"Waking up next to you puts me in a good mood."

"You mean sleeping through the night?" I smile at him cheekily.

"Sure that too." I look at him, my eyes racking over his body. I couldn't help but feel bitter sweet about the whole thing. "Don't look at me like that." He says leaning down over me. "What are you thinking? Sometimes I don't know what you're thinking."

"Me?" I smile at him slightly. "That's the pot calling the kettle black."

"Tell me what you're thinking."

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