Chapter 8

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A week later... I haven't seen or heard from Jared since his mother called for him in another room. I still feel so guilty for what I said, though I was provoked I should've known better than to open my mouth like that about a sensitive subject like sleeping with me. I wasn't thinking, I just wanted to make him mad, because lets face it that's what I do best when it comes to him. I lay in bed listening to the owls outside before groaning and turning over for the hundredth time. Irritated I get out of bed, tired of tossing and turning, of hating myself for something that wasn't just my fault. I pull on my robe, shielding my exposed skin from the chillier hallway, I cross over to his room, knocking twice before groaning when I get no answer. Next I try his office, but again no one answers me, I roll my eyes before pushing open the door to find and empty office and even more bare room. I head for the kitchen, looking out the window as I suck down some hot chocolate when I see him, running through the knee deep snow, the wind whipping the trees, his breath clouding in the air as he pants. I trudge through the snow in a pair of boots that aren't mine, the snow still touching my bare legs.

    "What the fuck are you doing out here?" I snap at him.

    "Me?" He pants, slowing down his pace to a steady walk. "What the fuck are you wearing under that robe?"

    "The snow is literally up to your knees, its below zero why the fuck are you running?"

    "Do you not have pants on? Are you fucking stupid? Do you want hypothermia? Get your ass back in the house."

    "You're not my father, I can do what I want when I want!"

    "Get in the house, now." He snaps at me.

    "Go fuck yourself!" I snap back.

    "Fine, be a little bitch but don't come crying to me when you're fingers are falling off."

    "You're such an asshole."

    "Are you PMSing or something?! Jesus Christ." He snaps turning to leave. Anger wells inside me, like it so often does when I'm around him for too long. I crouch down, pack snow together and throw it at the back of his head. It hits him hard enough to make his head jerk forward, his feet stopping a short distance away.

    "Fuck you!" I scream at him, throwing another snowball at him, hitting him square in the face this time. He growls lowly, wiping off his face. Without saying anything he comes toward me, making me backup, an apology lingering on my lips, but I don't have time to say anything before he's got me over his shoulder, his hand hitting my ass so hard it stings through the cold numbness. "Ow!" I yip, kicking him in the side, but he holds my legs against him so I can't move. "Let me go!" I hit his back, but he's got so much cushion on I know he can't feel it. He carries me throw the house and upto his room, where he throws me on the bed, straddling me he undoes my robe. "Stop it!" I shout, pushing him away from me, making him mad, his hand trapping mine pinning me to the bed. "Jared." I growl. His free hand undresses me the rest of the way before working on himself. When his warm hand finds my core, I know I can't hide how turned on he has me.

    "Do I make you that excited Fiora? You like when I play rough?"

    "Enough Jared I'm not in the mood."

    "Your body says otherwise." His thrusts his fingers in me, burying in my heat making me gasp softly. "You're offly warm for being thigh deep in the snow."

    "Stop." I pant half heartedly.

    "Don't you want me to warm you up Fiora?" He asks, his nose brushing the inside of my neck, nuzzling in the space between my shoulder and my neck making me shiver. "Do you Fiora Anastasia?" He asks softly, his hands brushing over my skin. I didn't know he'd let go of me, but honestly at this point I didn't care.

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