Chapter 4

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I look at myself in the mirror just before waking up the kids after covering the light bruises with concealer. Honestly they weren't even bad enough to cover up they really just looked like light hickeys which is worse, because then everyone will know what happened between us anyways, sexually. Feeling like it's sufficient enough I wake up the kids and get them ready to meet with whatever tutor Emma picks out for them. I figured Jared wouldn't have an issue if Emma picked whoever it is out, so I let her know what was happening so I could move on from this dumbass contract.

    "You're doing that interview right?" Emma asks as the children and I make our way down the hallway.

    "Huh? I thought you were doing that."
"No I have too much stuff to do. I'm sure you can handle it you know what's best for the children by now anyway."

"But if I-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence since she walked away. Huffing I head for her office sending the kids to the dining room for breakfast. Two hours later I finally settle on someone that was able to sufficiently teach the kids.

"When can I start?"

"Well you're going to need to sign a contract before starting. Emma should have that ready for you but until then just wait for our call."

"Great thank you so much." She smiles at me brightly before she stands and shakes my hand.  Her brown hair was neatly pulled back into a long curled ponytail, her forest green eyes shone with politeness. She was bubbly and bright and I just felt like she fit teaching the kids best. But let's not forget that she was a certified teacher and had just gotten out of college not that long ago, but couldn't find a teaching job around here without having to be a private tutor and a teachers aid.

A few days later... Emma calls Adrianna back with the details of the contract and she shows up to start. I didn't tell her when she was interviewing who's kids she'd be teaching but now that I was going to introduce them I had to tell her.

"Are you serious? He has kids?"

"Yes, the twins are his."

"Wow, that's so amazing. No one had any idea. How is that even possible he's so popular?"

"Beats me I just started here about a month and a half ago, he's just as much a mystery now as he was when I read about him in magazines." I shrug before finding the kids sitting in the middle of the yard playing with something. "Guys come here." I wave them over to the patio making them come running. "Guys this is Adrianna, she'll be teaching you."

"Hi." Chris beams, extending his hand to shake hers. "I'm Christopher."

    "Hello Christopher." She turns to look at Claire, who puts her head down, not looking up at Adrianna.

    "Claire." I put my hand on her back gently pushing her closer to Adrianna.

    "Hi." She says softly, shuffling her feet.

    "Claire, what's the matter?" I crouch down in front of her meeting her eye level, my jeans straining against my thighs as I make myself her height. The weather had turned cold practically overnight and the days were starting to grow shorter. That was why I wanted to look for a tutor now, the kids could play while it was light but then they would have to study when it got dark.

    "I don't like her Fi."

    "Huh? Why not?"

    "I just don't." She mutters refusing to look at me.

    "Claire hun I know you're not good with new people, but I promise that if you just give Adrianna a chance you'll really like her."

    "I don't want to. Why can't you just teach us?"

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