Chapter 22

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    "So how was it?" Emma asks holding Alister.

    "Amazing, but is that even a question." I smile at her before taking Alister from her.

    "So how long before you're trying for a baby?" I shrug teasing Alister. "Where's Jay?"

    "He had to run some errands with the kids today for school."

    "Did they have a good time with their mother?"

    "Oh yeah, they went to an aquarium and a couple zoos and amusement parks, they're talking about going to Florida with all of us."

    "Including Victoria?"

    "Yeah." I shrug. "And you." I smile. "And my favorite baby." I snuggle Alister closer to me. "Maybe next week when Jay finishes his photoshoot. Are you free?"

    "I'm free when Jay's free." She shrugs. "Plus you're my babysitter, so can't really argue." I laugh softly.

    "I'd watch this adorable little boy anyday."

    "You're a lifesaver Fi."

    "Thanks. I know that already."

    "You're so happy." She chuckles softly.

    "I don't remember ever being this happy." I admit softly looking down at Alister. "Anyways where are you and Tom off to tonight that I'm blessed with this beautiful being?"

    "We're running off to dinner and a movie."

    "Enjoy." I wink at her. "Alister and I will be partying all night." I laugh. "We're in no hurry." He laughs, banging his head against my collarbone making me flinch.

    "I'm sorry to be asking you when you just came back from your honeymoon."

"It's fine, just have fun, enjoy yourself." I smile at her.

    "Thanks Fiora, you're the best."

    "No problem." We wave her off and I take him up to change him into a bathing suit just in time for Jay and the kids to come home.

    "Fi!" They come running when they see me coming down the stairs with Alister.

    "Why don't you run up and get your suits on?" They screech and take off up the stairs.

    "Hey beautiful."

    "Hi handsome." He kisses me softly before taking Alister, who's got a firm grip on my bikini strap. "Why don't you follow after the kids." I flash him a smile. He sighs sharply handing Alister back to me before going upstairs. I take Alister out to the pool and getting his floating tube, I slowly ease into the pool before setting him on the top step. He screeches clapping his hands before splashing in the water before he sits down, kicking his feet. I laugh softly before glancing up at the kids, who come bursting out of the door in their swimmies, jumping into the pool. Jay takes the chance to swoop down and steal Alister, gently gliding through the water with him. He laughs gently as Alister screeches clapping his hands. "Hey!" I snap at him. We spend the day playing in the pool and barbecuing for dinner. I put Alister down at seven in our bedroom in a collapsible playpen we got for when he stayed nights which really wasn't often. I sit beside him, waiting for him to fall asleep, watching TV without the sound, his little eyes were so tired but he refused to let them close. He chewed on his fingers staring at the ceiling, his little feet kicking, trying to take off his footy pajamas. "You're so sleepy Alister." I brush back his soft hair. "It's okay to go to sleep handsome." His tired eyes look over at me. "Don't you want to go to sleep?" He screeches throwing his hands down against the padded bottom, his small stuffed monkey inches from his hand. "Sh, Sh." I hand him the monkey, rubbing his head, but he turns over to lay on his stomach, his monkey pressed under his head as he screeches again. I slowly start to drag my fingers up and down his back making his eyes heavier, this lashes starting to flutter together.

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