Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: I own nothing but the OC Kootoni who I made up :)

Sasuke: Those disclaimers are so annoying! I think they already get you don't own Naruto!

Me: Shut up Sasuke! It's called being polite and respectful towards the hard working authors that made up the original characters. Obviously you were never taught manners!

Sasuke: Hn


I was storming through the streets of Konoha, approaching my destination at an abnormally fast pace. I heard Naruto coming up behind me trying to get me to calm down and think for a second; his attempt failed of course. I hardly ever get angry or even irritated, but when I did you would be wise to keep as far away as possible. My mind was racing a mile a minute, anger had completely clouded my judgment. I was pushing past anyone or anything that got in my way like a bull. I can't believe him, useless he called me, a waste of space and now everyone in the core is starting to doubt me. Well now he was going to get a piece of my mind. I approached the building and slammed open the doors, barging into the hall to find my target and just as I thought there he stood; his normal irritating, cool and collected self. Naruto tried stopping me, but was hastily escorted out of the building. "Hey! What the hell is your problem Ibiki?" I yelled as my hands balled up into fists. Anger surging through every nerve in my body, making me tense and ready to leap into action.

"Your method takes too long and is ineffective with this prisoner" he stated simply ignoring my now incredibly enraged self.

"I only got fifteen minutes with him yesterday and I still managed to get more out of him than you did and you were in there for two hours!" I was practically screaming now.

"Watch how you speak to me!" he snapped. I started calming down knowing I got under his skin.

"My way was far more effective than yours in this case and you know it!" I wished I hadn't said that last part as I could tell by his face the punishment would be great.

"If you don't like the way I do things then you are no longer a part of the interrogation core, pack your stuff up and leave" he ordered.

"What!!" I yelled. "You can't do this!"

"I just did, Hayate would you be so kind as to escort her out" he said as he turned around and left.

'Oh no what have I done' I thought.

*1 week later*

"I can't believe after what they did they are calling me back, the nerve of them!" I moaned to Nartuto on my way to the interrogation building.

"I don't get it, I thought you hated being kicked out?" he replied.

"I did, but that was before I realized how much of a burden that place had on me. I mean you have to admit I have been far happier since I was fired" 

"So why are you going back then?"

"Unfortunately it's the Hokages orders"

"That's not fair! Let's go to the Hokage and demand him that he leave you alone, I can get you out of this; believe it!"

"Thanks Naruto for the offer, but you can't always get your way by being annoying" I laughed. He just gave a weak smile back.

"Well if that's the case, then I guess I will see you later Kootoni" he smiled. I immediately got a bad feeling in my  gut and ran over and hugged Naruto. He stiffened and without looking up I could tell he had gone a deep shade of red and had a very confused look on his face. "Kootoni, what's wrong?" he said concerned.

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