Chapter 12

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Ok so this probabaly won't be the only time I skip years or months cause I'm very lazy in case you haven't gathered that XD Well I don't think that 20 fillers would interest you guys anyway so yeah. Enjoy!

Naruto isn't my creation, it's my inspiration! :P


*Time skip: 1 year later*

I woke up in the middle of the night panting and sweating from yet another nightmare about my past. They have only gotten worse since Itachi put me under that genjutsu. I decided to take a walk and maybe go outside for some fresh air. I looked over to Deidara who was sleeping soundly and I got up and tried to sneak quietly out of the room trying not to wake him as he ends up staying up with me for the rest of the night making him very tired in the mornings and he had a mission tomorrow so he needed his rest. I shut the door very quietly behind me and started to head down the hall. When I finally emerged outside I saw a shadow out of the corner of my eye. I pretended to keep on walking and when I'm far enough away I attempted to sneak up on the intruder. I saw a figure in the dark and jumped at them only to have them disappear before me.

"What are you doing out so late?" my breath hitched in my chest and I jumped turning around to find none other than the raven-haired Uchiha himself.

"Itachi! God, you scared me!" I gasped. "And I just couldn't sleep so I decided to take a walk. Wait what are you doing up so late? And, why are you sneaking into the base?" I asked. He just ignored me and started to walk off back into the base.

"Get some sleep Kootoni" and with that he had entered the base.

I walked in following him and stopped knocking at his room door. I didn't hear an answer so I slowly opened the door and peeked inside. "What do you want Kootoni?" he replied sounding more depressed than usual.

"I want to know what you were doing? Why are you so depressed?". He looked at me  for a bit, but turned around ignoring me once more.

"That trick may work on the other members, but I'm not leaving until I get an answer" I stated planting my feet firmly on the floor. He just continued ignoring me. "Itachi, you and I are linked by my life! Anything affecting you affects me. You already know my story so please open up to me, why do you feel like this? Is it your brother?" He turned and glared at me. "What happened?" I asked realizing I hit the nail on the head.

He sighed saying, "I was just visiting Sasuke like I do every night. I guess seeing him tonight was a little harder than usual. He is acting very strangely since.."

"Since your last mission" I finished for him, he looked at me surprised. "Hey I may not leave the base, but I still hear gossip from the others" I laughed and he just faked a small smile. "Why do you visit him every night? I thought you hate him?" His face dropped immediately at that question and I instantly wished I hadn't said it, I was about to apologize when Itachi started talking again.

"I suppose you deserve to know everything" and with that he started to tell his tale to me about how and why he killed his clan, how he couldn't face killing his little brother, how he was very ill and how he was driving Sasuke to become more powerful so that he could be protected from Madera Uchiha.

Once he was finished I understood completely why he felt the way he did. I was speechless and I had no idea what to do so I just hugged him telling him that I think he is the most kind-hearted human being I have ever met. I had even more respect for the Uchiha than before; if that's even possible. "The only thing I had to rethink was my death. When it was just my life on the line it was different, but I don't think I can go through with it now that I know that your life would be in danger too" he said, looking very guilty.

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