Chapter 7

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Okay so this chapter may or may not be good. It's late and I have to get up early tomorrow as my cousin who I haven't seen in two years is coming back from austrailia, how cool right? SOOOO excited, I probably won't even sleep, but I had better try! :P Anyway here is chapter seven enjoy!

I have also decided (now that I figured out how to, yes I'm an idiot) that I'm going to start dedicating the next few chapters to my two followers and two readers :) Thanks :D

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the OC Kootoni who I made up :)


When I got outside the cave I noticed the rain had stopped and the leaf had probably sent out Ninken to pick up on any faint scents they could find. I took off my cloak and started to rip it into pieces using my kunai then went around the forest to try to find animals to stick the pieces to. When I was finished I used my kunai to pin up the remaining pieces on to random trees as far from the place were we are hiding as possible. After a while of thinking I decided I would put a few round the place where we were hiding as I knew Kakashi knows how I think and would just look in the places which had no pieces around. I was just about finished when I heard someone approach from behind me. Immediately I hid in the bushes and hoped they didn't spot me. "Naruto you can't blame yourself for what she has done, it was her decision and you know what she's like better than anyone, once she has made up her mind there is no changing it" said an annoyingly familiar voice that could only belong to one person.. Sakura.

"She wanted to stay away from the interrogation core, she knew it was driving her crazy. I should have went to the Hokage and demanded he let her quit the core. If I had of done that maybe she wouldn't be in this mess"

"Naruto you told us yourself that she told you not to and if you had done that she would have hated that you made her decision for her and in the end would have ended up rejoining anyway" Sasuke obviously said in his normal matter of fact tone.

"Yeah, well it would have been worth a try!" he snapped back. I felt terrible about what I had done, I knew he would act like this, but I had no idea he would be this bad. Damn the pang of guilt is back. Part of me wanted to go back, but it was far too late for me now. Well maybe not, maybe I could just apologize and return to the village and take my punishment, I mean Deidara is safe and sound now and has enough supplies in there to last him for a bit. Who am I kidding if I don't come back with Deidara then I'm as good as dead. What was I thinking? After a while of silence, Sakura and her big mouth that she couldn't keep shut started again.

"I can't believe we have to search for her for so long, how selfish can she be?"

"Don't say that Sakura! She was just trying to help that boy as she couldn't sit by and watch him being treated like that, she was just trying to do the right thing. The guilt was eating her alive!" he scolded Sakura. If it had been anyone else he would have yelled it and gave them a death glare, but it wasn't it was his beloved Sakura that said it.

"That 'boy' was a member of the Akatsuki and she should have known better than to allow him to make her feel guilt. She just let her emotions overwhelm her as usual, that's why I think it was absurd to put her in the interrogation core in the first place" he replied in a cold tone.

Before Naruto could reply, Kakashi came up behind them and everyone started asking questions all at once. "Guys, one at a time!" he said in his normal cool collected voice.

"Did you find her?" Naruto said asking the most obvious question ever.

I could tell by the way Kakashi looked at him, even with his mask on that he didn't want to tell him, but they needed to know so he did. "No, Pakun came up empty-handed with the tracking her by her scent idea. She obviously saw it coming as she has spread her scent all over the forest using the trees and animals, but on the bright side that means she couldn't have gotten far especially with the state the Akatsuki boy is in. We have until sunset to keep looking. If we haven't found her by then, then we head back to the village to inform the Hokage; got it?"

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