Chapter 5

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Sweet I have two followers and two people who have added my book to thier reading list. Ahh, thanks so much guys!

Disclaimer: Don't own anything but Kootoni :D Enjoy!


I was now far away from the village and out in the woods, I had been locking away my feelings ever since I left the interrogation building and now I couldn't keep them in any longer. I fell to my knees and sobbed into my hands and the tears kept rolling down my cheeks. Why does he make me feel like this? I barely even know him! Damn it, I hate this! No one has ever been able to make me feel guilty so what has changed. I just sat there on my knees under the trees sobbing for what felt like hours. When I finally regained my composure I decided I would visit the nearby lake and draw or paint that usually cheered me up. When I got there and sat down with my sketch book in hand I realized that I couldn't admire the beauty of the place. I can't take this! I have to do something! But what could I do? I'm just a fourteen-year old girl. I can't convince the Hokage to let him go as he would only consider that if Deidara told him information on the Akatsuki, which he is insistent on keeping secret. That leaves only one option left... No don't be stupid how could I even think of doing that it would be a suicide mission! But what other choice do I have? Come on Kootoni you can do it! I mean you know the schedules of all the guards, you have an excuse to be in there if you get caught and you are very good at being invisible when you want to be, how hard can it be? But what happens after I get him out of the interrogation building and that's only if I make it that far, what about the Anbu they would be on our tails and we would surely be noticed quickly especially him in his current condition. And, would I even be able to carry him? What if he loses consciousness, how will I carry him then? Ahh this is insane you're not actually thinking about this Kootoni you'd be classified as a missing nin and they would kill you if they ever found you and even if you did succeed where would you go? You have no other family or friends outside of Konoha, and what about Naruto? He needs you and if you left he would only blame himself. My life would be over, is he really worth that?

It wasn't until nightfall that I had formulated a plan and decided that I was going to do this. I went home immediately to go pack and when I was finished I took my stuff to a secret location in the woods just outside Konoha, the two guards where fast asleep and so weren't that hard to sneak past. When I returned into town I went to my house to grab some food pills, smoke bombs and weapons and left a note to say goodbye to my friends, even if I didn't have many, then left for the interrogation building. When I arrived I waited on a nearby roof top, Ibiki was probably still in there finishing up paperwork so I would have to be careful when I managed to get inside. I sat patiently waiting for the Jonin guarding the place to switch shifts and when they did I quickly concealed my chakra to the best of my ability and jumped to an open window above them while they were distracted. Great, now what? It's not too late to turn back a voice in my head replied. No what am I thinking I've come this far no going back now. I left the empty room through the door and walked stealthily down the corridors until I had got to the stairs which led to the lower floor where he was being held. I took one last breath to calm my nerves and started to walk down the stairs. When I made it to the bottom of the stairs I stopped to think of the closest exit in case of an emergency. When I made up my mind what way to go I made my way down the corridor to where the big, rusted metal door would be, but stopped in my tracks as I noticed Ibiki with Iwashi and Genma, who are part of the Hokage guard platoon. I quickly hid in the shadows praying no one would hear or see me.I stood incredibly still as I watched Iwashi and Genma leave, thankfully neither noticed me and I started to relax forgetting about Ibiki, who had now come up behind me and grabbed my shoulders. I quickly gave him a sharp kick to the knee making him let me go as I jumped to the other end of the corridor.

Falling slowly (Deidara love)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt