Chapter 20

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 Thanks for all the votes and comments. This chapter is dedicated to Camila_Horan and the next chapter will be dedicated to uchihella, Thanks for the follow guys :) Anyway sorry this is up so late in the day, but I actually went out and was sociable for once lol XD Anyway enjoy! :D

Don't own Naruto *Cries in corner hugging fluffy teddy* (Such a loser! XD)


It has been three days since Deidara and I came back from our last mission and we already have another one! "Are you sure we are going the right way Dei?" I asked Deidara as we had been going in circles for what felt like hours now.

"Have I ever lead you wrong, un?" he replied satisfied with himself.

"Do you really want me to answer that question?" I sarcastically said with one eyebrow slightly raised. His attitude faltered and he just glared at me, but shrugged it off. "Sasori-sempai is going to kill us" I muttered.

"He will not! He likes you too much. You're the only one who even tries to take an interest in his 'art', yeah" he made sure to make a face of disapproval when he called it art. "I'm your boyfriend now ya know that means you should take my side when it comes to whose is best. Not his!" he seemed more frustrated than usual.

"Hey, don't take out your frustration on me! I wasn't the one who got us lost!" I retorted.

"I wasn't the one who decided to stuff her face when we were already late! I told you he would leave that village without us, didn't I, un?"

"In my defense I was starving and he always threatens us with that and he has never done it. Who would have guessed he would actually do it this time!" I shrugged.

"Maybe if you had  listened to me rather than stuffing your fat face, we would be with Sasori on the way to our mission by now, un!" he exclaimed. I gave him a deathly look and he freaked thinking back to what he said that could have upset me. His eyes finally lit up with recognition. "Um.. Maybe fat face was a poor choice of words, yeah" he laughed nervously.

"You are DEAD!!" I screamed as I ran after him. We were jumping through trees when we came across a lake and I took this as my opportunity to break one of the branches he was about to jump on to and made it explode with a paper bomb. He fell instantly and hit the water of the lake below him with a colossal 'splash'. I jumped down of the top of the tree landing on the grass beside the lake, laughing hard at his reemerging face that was coming up from under the water looking very unamused. He then smirked and I knew straight away what he was going to do. "No..... No.... Dei don't you.. AHH!" I had been soaked from head to toe as Dei used one of his explosives to blow up the lake causing a huge tidal wave of water to come straight for me soaking me completely from head to toe. I felt very annoyed and I could tell my face showed I was very unamused. He didn't care however, as he was laughing so hard I heard a snort escape from him. It was at that point I couldn't take it anymore and I had to laugh too. He climbed out of the lake and came up to me soaking wet and then kissed me, smiling against my lips as he did so. Our fun was cut short, however, by a very annoyed Sasori standing right behind us. 

"Well I'm glad the love birds are having fun when we have a mission to do!" snapped Sasori. Deidara and I both jumped out of our skin and turned around to face him.

"Well maybe if you hadn't of ran off we would have no problems trying to find you and we would have finished the mission by now, yeah" I argued, earning a glare from Sasori.

"I knew letting you hang around with that brat too much would cause me trouble later on. You're even starting to talk like him" he complained. I went bright red realizing he was right and turned to see Deidara smirking at my newly developed speech impediment.

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