Chapter 13

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Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto!


It has been two weeks since my 'incident' on the cliff and Deidara hasn't left me alone for a second. I must admit I do enjoy his company, but I also need my own space and it was just a one-time thing; I haven't done anything like that since. I didn't even get time on my own when Deidara went on another mission with Sasori as I had Itachi following me about everywhere. I guess he must have asked Sasori and found out about it as he was pretty sure something was going on, but I wouldn't tell him what.

"So what do you think, yeah?" Deidara dragged me from my thoughts and by the look on my face he could probably tell I wasn't listening. "Did you even listen to me at all, un?" he asked with a slightly annoyed tone.

"Umm.. something about going out or boys night or something?" I said sheepishly rubbing the back of my head with a closed eye smile and he just sighed.

"I was asking if you would come out with Hidan, Kakazu and I, un"

"I'm not overly fond of Hidan, in fact he is just really annoying. And, why would I want to go to a pub in the first place, I'm only fifteen ya know?"

"Because I'll be there, un" he smirked. I just rolled my eyes smiling trying to hide the oncoming blush I had. "Besides you look like you could be my age anyway, yeah"

"That may be, but you're still underage too" I smirked.

"Aw come on! Live a little Kootoni, un!"

"Alright, alright. I will go, but only to stop your drunk ass from doing anything stupid"

"I knew you'd come around eventually, un" he smiled victoriously. "We are leaving in about two hours. I'll leave you to get ready, yeah" I was about to protest and tell him it only takes me ten minutes to get ready, but then I realized that meant I could have sometime to myself so I just nodded and he left the room. I breathed a sigh of relief at the peace and quiet that I had been craving badly these past few weeks and just sat there in the beautiful stillness. I got up about half an hour before we had to leave and started to get ready. I wore a baggy, amaranth coloured halter top and dark blue denim skinny jeans with black, high heels and a black jacket that hung loosely on me. I let my hair hang loose in its naturally long curly state and my make-up was simple and I had very little of it on as I despised the stuff. I then walked out the door just in time to meet the others at the exit to the base. I looked over to see them all staring at me. Hidan and Kakazu eventually got a grip as they started to remember I was only fourteen, but Deidara kept staring at me and when I looked in his direction he looked away blushing as he realized he'd been staring. "Let's get going then, un" he stated starting to exit the base. We nodded and all followed suit.

When we got there it didn't take long before Hidan and Deidara got considerably drunk and started to walk around trying to pick up girls. Well Hidan was and he was probably going to use them as living sacrifices, but Deidara didn't which was strange. I looked over to him talking to Kakazu ignoring the huge amount of girls, who were fawning over him. I was at the bar just watching how the girls who were giving him looks walked over to him one by one trying to hit on him only to be turned down by him each and every time. 'Hm maybe he has his eye on a girl that was closer to his age' I thought as I thought I caught him staring at a beautiful brunette girl that was no older than sixteen or seventeen from across the room. "Well hello there, beautiful" I whizzed around to see a very cute looking redhead that kind of reminded me of Sasori. "You didn't come here all on your own did you?". I smiled and tried to look away from him, but his facial features were truly amazing and I couldn't take my eyes off him. Aw well what's the harm in talking to him for a little longer, I was extremely bored after all.

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