Chapter 14

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I awoke the next morning and sat up to look around the room. No one was here and I wasn't in the infirmary either, but then I remembered Itachi telling Dei last night that he would hide me in here to keep me out of sight from Hidan. Just then Deidara walked in looking very pissed off, but closed the door quietly unlike his usual manner where he would slam it; I guess he didn't want to wake me up. He walked over to his belongings on the other side of the room and muttered something along the lines of 'stupid leader, is he really going to send us on a mission after what happened last night!'.

"Hi Dei!" I said smiling, but it came out very hoarse and croaky and I found myself mentally face-palming. He instantly shot up and turned around.

"Kootoni! How are you feeling, un?"

"Ok I guess" I smiled at him and he came and pulled me into a warm embrace. I instantly wrapped my arms around him burying me face in his chest, ignoring the tremendous pain it was causing me.

"I.. I.. I shouldn't have left you alone last night, I'm such an idiot! I'm so sorry" he whispered in my ear, his voice almost breaking at the last part. I started laughing and I felt him tense.

"Dei, you were having fun! It wasn't your fault that teme Hidan snapped. Can I just say he is one mean drunk!" I laughed and Deidara pushed me out of the hug and looked at me with his gorgeous deep blue  eyes and I relaxed immediately. Upon closer inspection of him though you could tell he hadn't slept at all last night. His hair was a little messy and unkempt, his eyes had dark black rings underneath them and I could tell he was a little hung over from last night. I finally brought myself back to reality and noticed he was looking at me strange, I couldn't tell if he was very confused or just shocked and I ended up furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. "What is it, Dei?"

"Your eyes their... brown" I suddenly pushed him away and redid the jutsu I usually have on them and they returned to their normal shade of blue. Deidara looked a little disappointed at this. "Why did you do that? What on earth would make you want to change your eyes?" I looked down and mumbled something and he just looked at me waiting for me to repeat it louder this time; I sighed.

"I hate my eyes, I have always loved blue eyes!" he rolled his eyes. "I also can't bare to look into my brown eyes as they remind me too much of my mother" I looked down feeling slightly upset at the memory of her beautiful dark brown eyes, but I quickly shook it of and laughed.

"Kootoni, I know you better than that so cut the crap ok? I know you're upset, you don't have to hide your emotions from me" I stopped laughing and just nodded and gave him another hug. "And just to let you know I think your brown eyes are stunning" he whispered to me, making me laugh because of nerves.

Just then Deidara let go as Sasori knocked and entered the room. "What the hell is taking so long brat?" he scolded Deidara and, then his attention turned to me. He smiled slightly before saying "I'm glad to see you're still alive" I giggled.

"I'm glad I'm still alive too" and I'm pretty sure if he could blush he would be a deep crimson colour by now. He then turned to Deidara and told him not to worry that Pein had ordered for someone to keep an eye on me while he was gone and reassured him that Hidan wouldn't be able to go anywhere near me. Deidara didn't seem any happier, but he had to accept it so he nodded and headed out the door. Sasori was about to follow, but before he could I spoke up. 

"Sasori-sempai" he turned around looking slightly confused.

"Sempai?" he questioned and I laughed feeling embarrassed.

"Yeah, well I've just always thought of you as like a mentor and sometimes even see you as like a father figure since I have never really had one" I said looking down at the ground. He chuckled at my awkwardness and asked me what I wanted. "Can I just ask you to make sure Deidara returns safely? He looks like crap and has probably stayed up all night worrying about me and I just want to make sure that he doesn't get himself killed"

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