Chapter 17

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Eventually a small wooden cabin came in to view and at the doors where two Anbu guards. We walked up to them and my father and his new wife came running out from between them. The mother ran up to the older boy and the little girl and held them in a tight embrace, kissing them over and over again. Kioshi blushed and started groaning at his mum to stop and leave him alone and I couldn't help, but chuckle. That immediately caused some attention my direction. "Who are you?" I heard my father question me.

"She saved Mamoru and I's lives, father" Kioshi stated. "Mamoru fell slipped off the edge of a cliff and hit his leg of a rock which caused him to start to sink in the river. I jumped in after him, but the current was too strong for me to swim against. This girl risked her life to save us and she left her friends to see us home safely"

"Is this true?" my father directed his gaze to me.

"Yes, sir" I replied trying to talk as little as possible and disguise my voice.

"How can we ever repay you?" the children's mother asked, taking Mamoru out of my arms.

"That's really not necessary" I replied

"Nonsense! You will come in and at least have some dinner and tea" she argued. I nodded and we all went inside. The woman left to go upstairs and get Kioshi, Kiyomi and Mamoru warmed up and changed, leaving my father and I alone together.

"When are you going to drop the disguise, Kootoni?" he commented. My eyes widened and I just stood there in shock. "Did you really think I wouldn't recognise my own daughter?" he continued. I undid my jutsu and looked at him in silence. "You're still using a disguise Kootoni. Please let me see your mother's eyes"

"You don't deserve to see such a beautiful thing. You abandoned her and left her to die" I spat. Now feeling the anger I directed to myself bubble up inside me. His face suddenly dropped at that comment and his eyes filled with sorrow and ...regret? He just continued to stare at me and I sighed undoing the jutsu on my eyes revealing my glimmering, chocolate brown eyes.

"Thank you" he whispered barely audible. We stood in an extremely awkward silence until he spoke up interrupting my thoughts. "I'm so sorry Kootoni. I shouldn't have blamed you and your mother for what happened to your brother. It was an awfully cowardly thing to do on my part" I just continued staring at him tears threatening to spill out, but I wouldn't let them. "I tried to talk to you after I heard the Hokage had found you, but he wouldn't allow me anywhere near you and I haven't regretted anything more in my life than the day I slammed the door in your face leaving you to rot when you needed me most. And, over the years I would see you walking down the street and it became increasingly difficult to see you and not be able to speak to you I just wished I could hold you and look into your beautiful brown eyes and tell you that I was sorry and that everything was going to be ok. I felt even worse when I heard about you and that Akatsuki boy". He then looked down to the floor and said, "I know that the reason you are here is to kill me because of what I know and I don't blame you for hating me and wanting to take your revenge either, I just ask of you not to hurt my family, your family" I suddenly became furious that he thought I would do such a thing.

"How dare you! You think I hate you?!?! You think that I would come all this way to kill you? And you think I would hate you so much that I would kill my own siblings?! If you even cared to get to know me better you would know that the reason I am here is to save your sorry excuse of a life! I want to hate you, I want to be able to hurt you like you hurt me, I want to be able to move on with my life, but I can't. I can't hate you because I still love you, you bastard! You should know better than anyone that I never held grudges and never wanted to harm others. Killing you would just destroy those kids, my brothers and sister who I never met! You destroyed my life, made me feel like I was unloved, made me hate MYSELF for hating you! You demolished my childhood, I didn't even get to know my brothers and sister, you left me all on my own and I hate that you would think so little of me! I begged to be allowed to take this mission so I could take away your memory and allow you to live a long and happy life with your new family, I BEGGED FOR YOU!!!" I yelled. I took a breath and looked at him, my heart racing, fists clenched, jaw clamped and tears spilling involuntarily out of my eyes. He was speechless and he felt so guilty that he couldn't even look at me. "I'm going to allow you to live, but to do that you need to allow me into your head to remove every memory that's linked to the Akatsuki, including me" my voice cracked at the last few words and he looked at me horrified.

"No! I can't let you do that! You have suffered enough already because of me, I can't let you remove the only family you have left from your life for good. I can't forget my kind-hearted, beautiful little girl" he protested.

"You already have a beautiful little girl and she and her brothers need you. Even though I don't know them, I love them so much that I would be willing to lose my only chance at a normal life if it meant they could grow up with a father".  He looked at me in disbelief and nodded coming over and kissing me on the forehead. "Do they know about me?" I asked. 

"No. Akari only knows I had a daughter before I moved in with her, but she does not know who you are and your sister and brothers don't know they have an older sister"

"Good, it's best it stay that way. I will go up to their room and erase any traces of today from all of their minds after I'm finished here. Then I will leave never to return" He nodded and then hugged me, I sat there wanting this moment to last forever, my dream of feeling the love of my parents was now being fulfilled and the safety and comfort I felt in his arms made me want to stay with them and live the happy life I have always wanted to live, but I can't. Not only am I a missing nin, but  I can't stay with them as it would only put them all in danger. When he let go I felt my word shatter around me, but I stopped myself from breaking down right then and there. I set my hands on his head, but before I erased my existence from his mind I heard him utter one last thing to me, the words I had desperately wanted to hear from him for all these years, the words I would remember him uttering to me when he would tuck me in at nights. "I love you, princess" and with that he fell to the floor unconscious with one tear escaping his eyes and rolling down his cheek. I wiped the stray tears from my face and walked up the stairs to do the same to Kioshi, Kiyomi, Mamoru and their mother Akari. When I was finished I snuck out of the cabin leaving them all unconscious as I left. I walked into the forest searching for Sasori and Deidara when I heard a bang. I ran in the direction of the explosion and when I go there I saw an unconscious Deidara in the middle of a giant crater and to my right I saw Sasori out of Hiruko in his normal body controlling at least one hundred puppets. He was fighting about four Anbu members and it looked like they had taken down at least ten others. Sasori took down another Anbu member, but one had crept up behind him and were firing flaming arrows in his direction. I bolted in his direction while forming hand signs and used my Water release jutsu to put out the flames.

Sasori then turned around and attacked the Anbu member killing him and sending him crashing to the ground. I went to take out the other Anbu member and not long after everyone had been defeated.

"We should get out of here before the reinforcements arrive, is the mission complete?" Sasori spoke. I nodded my head and went to lift Deidara up and followed Sasori. When we were far enough away we set up camp and I started to use the last of my chakra to heal Deidara. When I finished, I sat down by the fire beside Sasori and he thanked me for saving him earlier, I nodded and started staring in the fire thinking about what my father said.

"Are you ok?" Sasori queried, looking quite concerned. I just nodded, but he was obviously unconvinced. "Really if that's true, then why are you crying?" he pointed out. I raised my hand up to my face and noticed he was right tears were streaming constantly down my face. "I.. I.." I finally broke down and felt a huge weight crash down on my chest and it started to get harder to breathe, the tears flowed out of my eyes and onto the ground. I felt like they weren't coming out fast enough, the sadness being too overwhelming and forcing its way out of my body at an alarming rate. The memory of my old life haunting me and the dream of one day having a perfect life shattering. I turned around and clung to Sasori resting my head into the crook of his neck needing the comfort of somebody now more than ever. I told him everything that happened between sobs and he just sat and listened, nodding every so often and rubbing my back in a soothing manner. After I finished, he just held me while I cried non stop. Eventually I couldn't cry anymore and I just sat there in Sasori's embrace until I fell into a dreamless sleep.


Okay, I'm in tears after writing this story. Never thought it would be so sad! Well I hoped it made you feel the same way even if it didn't bring you to tears like me :P She is just so kind!! AHH! Okay I'm going to get a grip now XD thanks for reading :) Also in case you haven't noticed I'm dedicating chapters to new followers of mine. Thanks to all those who follow me! :P

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