Chapter 26

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Once again dedication is for my new follower. Thank you! I can't believe this has over 600 views now! Thanks to all who read, comment and vote for my story it's really appreciated. :D Anyway Enjoy!


I heard him swing his sword at me. "I'm sorry Sasuke" I whispered before closing my eyes awaiting the blow, but it never came I looked up to see him hesitate and I thought he had changed his mind. I was wrong as he started to swing at me again this time faster as if to stop himself from thinking about it. I felt wind whip against my face and saw a blur of orange. "Tobi?" I muttered as he landed on his feet still carrying me.

"So you're Sasuke huh? You really do look just like Itachi" he blurted out trying to annoy Sauke and it must have worked as he jumped back. "Wow scary!" he cried. I giggled at his successful attempts to enrage Sasuke. I then heard a huge bang and heard someone drop beside us.

"Is she ok?" I heard a familiar voice say. Tobi seemed like he was nodding and I fought to keep me eyes open. "We did it! We just took down Sasuke, ha!" Deidara was celebrating early as I felt Sasuke's chakra was still present. "Nicely done Deidara" Tobi chirped and I found myself warning them, "Don't underestimate him". Tobi sat me down beside a tree and the smoke cleared as I heard Tobi giggle, "Yeah, real nice!". Deidara let out a low growl. "Quiet!!" he roared and I giggled too, making my head spin even more. "I guess he's even stronger than we thought, huh?" Tobi questioned making Deidara start to lose it.

"Just imagine Orochimaru being killed by a brat like him, un! I still can't believe it, un!" he laughed. "just look at the way he's glaring at us Tobi, un" I instantly became worried as I knew Deidara was acting strange and nothing good could come from it.

"Rearing to go, huh Deidara" Tobi started laughing hysterically provoking Deidara. "I guess you'll have to apologize to Itachi later" he said encouraging him.

"Tell me where Itachi Uchiha is. Tell me and I'll let you go" Sasuke demanded, ignoring their conversation. This just added to the flames of Deidara's rage.

"Sharinghan huh? Well your Itachi's kid brother alright. You were only able to kill Orochimaru thanks to your Uchiha blood, un. You were lucky to be born onto that family and nothing more!" he yelled and I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. The last thing I saw was something heading towards us at a very fast pace and then I heard Sasuke saying, "One down. Now chatterbox you're gonna tell me about Itachi" and I blacked out.

I started to awake to shouting, "That is what annoys me the most about you and your brother! You think you're just so cool! Those eyes, those over confident eyes make me so sick! Your eyes, always judging me and my art, I'll never forgive them for that! You have absolutely no respect for my art, I can tell that you don't! I can never forgive those eyes that just ignore my art!!". Was that Deidara?

"I couldn't care less about all that, I just want you to tell me where I can find Itachi" and Sasuke? Where am I? What happened? Wait! I remember now Deidara was fighting Sasuke. I must open my eyes!

"So you've retracted your Sharinghan? Do you really take me that lightly?" Deidara sounded deranged.

I opened my eyes and when my vision cleared I saw Deidara shirtless pulling out the stitches in his chest mouth. No! I jumped up and ran towards Deidara and saw he had the clay already in his hand bringing it closer to his chest. "NO!" I yelled throwing a kunai at his wrist making him drop the clay and look over in my direction. The crazy, deranged look left when he saw me and his eyes softened. I jumped in front of him ignoring him for now.

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