Chapter 9

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I wasn't sure if I liked this chapter and I have rewritten it so many times already. I'm just not sure what way I want Sasori to react to Kootoni, but I have decided that I'm just going to post it! LOL I also put a picture of Kootoni's outfit to make it easier for you guys to picture. I Just want to thank Ninja_cat_wolf-thing for the amazing drawing of kootoni! Ain't she talented? :3 Enjoy!

Sasori: I don't like brats!

Me: Well you do in this story, so get used to it!!

Disclaimer! (in case you haven't heard it enough) I DO NOT OWN NARUTO!!


I was lying on the floor crying over the pale, deathly cold body of my now deceased mother when I lifted my head I saw my father. "DADDY she's dead, daddy help me! PLEASE!", he started to walk away ignoring me. I got up and ran after him, the scene around me changing from my mother's bedroom to the cold dark streets of Konoha. He was still walking away from me and I was still chasing him, but I could never get close enough to him. Suddenly we both came to a stop and two kids came running up to my father along with a beautiful black haired woman. He hugged the two children and then grabbed the woman giving her a passionate kiss. I tried to scream out to him, but my voice was gone. When I tried to move I couldn't, I was frozen on the spot, tears streamed down my face. Eventually I started to disappear from the sight before me. I looked to my hand and it was transparent and the things around me started spinning I closed my eyes and opened them to find myself all alone in darkness with only a light hitting me, I fell to the ground hugging my knees and sobbed. Suddenely a hand from above starting coming towards me.

"Hey, brat wake up!" I awoke to the redhead shaking me awake from my sleep. I jumped up gasping, tears rolling down my face, it was just a dream I told myself. Just a dream. I hugged my knees and silently sobbed into them. I heard a sigh and felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see the redhead trying to comfort me. Without thinking I threw my arms around him, burying my head in his neck. I felt him tense and slowly he started to pat my back and I stayed there crying into his shoulder. After a while I pulled back and wiped my face, hating myself for being so selfish; what right did I have to cry when there are others out there who have had it far worse.

"I'm sorry" I croaked.

"You are quite the annoyance, you can't even be quiet when you sleep" he sighed rolling his eyes. I looked down slightly ashamed.

"Sorry" I whispered.

"What got you in such a state anyway?" he asked ignoring my last apology.

"I was just remembering a nightmare is all" I was hoping he wouldn't care to ask anymore questions and would just drop it, but I underestimated how curious he was.

"Remembering?" he questioned.

"I don't feel like telling you" I replied.

"If you are trying to hide something from us I might have to tell our leader" he threatened.

"Fine! My dad kicked me and my mum out when I was younger, she got sick and we couldn't afford medicine or food so she died when I was eight. I went to my dad for help, but it turns out he had a new family and had just abandoned my mum and I. I asked for a place to stay, but he just threw some money at me and told me to never bother him again. The money lasted a week and so I ended up starving on the streets, happy now? You now know how pathetic I am!" I yelled at him. He looked taken aback, it was the most emotion I had seen him show in his face all day, but he quickly got himself together and walked back to his desk to work now that he had his answer.

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