Chapter 24

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Kootoni's POV

I awoke the next morning still pissed off at Deidara, I undid the barricade I made the night before as now that his clay is dry he might actually blow down the door. I then walked into the bathroom to take a shower before we were to head out and travel for a while to find the three tails. When I got showered and dressed I left the bathroom and entered my room to find a very pissed off looking Deidara, which made me feel slightly proud that I had managed to piss him off. I ignored him and he ignored me as we got ready to head out. I was ready first as usual and I waited with Tobi for Deidara to finish packing so we could leave. "I'm so happy to finally be a member of the Akatsuki and excited to finally have my first mission with you and Deidara-sempai, Kootoni-chan!" Tobi rambled on and on about how excited he was. For once he was excited, but as usual he was being over dramatic and pretending to be someone he isn't, but I don't mind as long as he annoys Deidara the whole trip, then he can be my friend. Tobi was still rambling as Deidara arrived and we headed out. After about ten minutes of walking, Tobi went very quiet as he sensed the tension between Deidara and I.  "How are you Deidara-sempai? Kootoni-chan?" he questioned breaking the awkward silence.

"Fine thanks Tobi" I replied and Deidara impersonated an Uchiha as he just said 'hn' and continued ignoring us. I sighed, this is going to be a long trip!

We had been walking for hours and Deidara and I just listened to Tobi when he decided to break the silence now and again, never actually replying. Eventually Tobi started to moan that he was hungry. "Oh please Deidara-sempai can we please have something to eat?" Tobi whined.

"NO, un!" Deidara shouted starting to lose his nerve. I smiled knowing this was my chance to really get on his nerves.

"Oh come on Dei! Tobi and I are starving!" I moaned. He just started to get irritated and continued to ignore us. I got annoyed at his lack of reaction and so I sat down and when Tobi looked back at me, I motioned for him to come join me. Deidara kept walking until he noticed the lack of noise and turned around. When he saw us he was beyond annoyed and I smirked at him. "I'm not moving until Tobi and I get something to eat!" I informed him stubbornly. He sighed and was about to lose his nerve until he grew a wide smirk on his face and then I panicked a little, what's he up to? He lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder and continued walking and Tobi soon followed. Damn him this isn't over. "Deiiiiiiiii...... Deiiiiiiiiii, I'm soooooooo hungry Deiiiiii!" I kept moaning and whining in his ear and eventually I started to feel him tense and so I started shouting in his ear. "DEIIII PLEASE, I'M SO HUNGRY!!!!" He jumped at how loud I was and finally snapped.

"What the hell is your problem, yeah?!?" he growled after setting me down. I got really angry at this question is he really that stupid?

"You know exactly what you did to get me to be this pissed off!! Don't even dare try to play the innocent one!" I growled right back.

"You know what you have taken this too far! Just drop it already and we can call it a truce, un!" he said still shouting at me.

"No way in hell! Not until you say sorry!" I stubbornly crossed my arms and pouted facing away from him.

"I won't because you obviously still haven't grown up! Why don't you do something original for once instead of copying others like Tobi and acting like him! You don't even have an original art, you just copy everyone else and try to learn theirs instead of doing your own. I mean you learned painting from your mother, drawing from a best friend of yours, sculpting from me and how to make puppets from Sasori! Do you even have an original personality or did you copy that too?!" he screamed. I took a huge offense at this. I can't believe he is using one of my biggest insecurities against me when he knows I trusted him to keep that a secret and now he is using it against me? That's it I'm done! I just went silent and walked off in the other direction and tried to stop the tears welling up in my eyes from escaping. That bastard! "Wait Kootoni, I'm sorry, yeah! That was too far, I really didn't mean it! It was just a joke, un!" he yelled after me trying to get me to stop. I just turned around and gave him the coldest glare I could, trying to hide the tears in my eyes.

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