Chapter 8

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Ugh, I'm soo tired! I had to get up at 5.30 to pick my cousin up at the airport! Kill me now! I am not a morning person, so you have been warned XD

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the OC Kootoni who I made up :) Enjoy!!! :D


Deidara's POV

I woke up to a groaning Kootoni on the floor of the cave, writhing in pain. Beads of sweat forming on her head as she clutched at her chest. I panicked and knelt down by her side. "Kootoni? Hey, Kootoni, are you okay? What's wrong?" I didn't know what was wrong, it couldn't have been her injuries she didn't cry about them yesterday.

"Can't.....Breath........Poison" she gasped.

"What do I do, un?" I asked unsure of what I could really do to be of any use to her.

"Bag... Pills........ Second part"

I immediately ran over to her bag and took out a box filled with pills of different types, the only one I sort of recognised was food pills. I opened the second section of the container, it contained a very small amount of little blue pills and i took one out before closing the box and putting it back in her bag, then ran over to her and put the blue pill in her mouth. After she swallowed it, she loosened her grip on the blanket where her chest was and her breathing started to even out. "Kootoni?" I said wondering what happened and if she was still okay. When she didn't reply I assumed the pill had knocked her out by the way her face and body was completely relaxed. Her breathing was still ragged and shaky, so I'm guessing that she didn't stop the poison, but helped the pain. Damn it! What am I going to do? She won't last much longer if she doesn't get help and I can't help her, she can't go back to the leaf they probably would just let her die as punishment for what she did. I sighed as I realized there was only one person that I knew that could fix this, but where would he be? Protocol means that they would have moved locations by now, so how will I find him? Guess I will just have to search. I got a food pill out of Kootoni's bag and started to pack up her stuff and then put out the barely flickering fire making the cave fade into darkness, then I lifted Kootoni and her stuff and dived into the pool of water to get out of the very well hidden cave. Once I was outside I reached for my side to grab clay to make a bird but 'shit' I forgot the leaf took all my stuff. Fuck, what do I do now? She must have something in this bag of hers. I put her down and started looking threw her things and was starting to lose hope when suddenly a clear box fell out containing none other than clay. "Yes!" I whisper yelled in relief. Granted the clay was coloured and I wasn't entirely sure if I could get it to work, but I reached in to it grabbing some with the mouths on my hands, damn this stuff is hard I thought as I created a small dark blue bird that grew. I thanked god as I packed her things up and grabbed them and lifted her while jumping on the bird. I headed toward the direction of the last location I remembered seeing him as I thought I could start from there.

The dark blue bird blended very well with the night sky as we rode, but I had been looking for what felt like hours and was about to give up hope when I saw a familiar hunchback, slithering on the ground below us. I landed the bird as close as I could get taking Kootoni and her things, when I felt we were far enough away I yelled "KATSU!". A large 'bang' followed as the once blue bird that stood disappeared in an instant. I hoped we were close for him to notice the explosion and that he would come and check it out. 

"How'd you escape, brat?" came the familiar tone I was hoping to hear.

"Sasori no Danna, I need your help, yeah!" I replied, turning around and ignoring his last question.

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