Chapter 22

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"Man I'm I exhausted!" I sighed to myself. I had just gotten back from a solo mission for Pein and it was a lot harder than expected. Nothing I couldn't handle, but still it made me work harder than normal. It was Itachi's fault that I went on this mission, he thinks I need a challenge to test my skills and abilities and see how my training is coming along. I hate when he does that, I enjoy the easy in and out missions, but I suppose I should be thankful that this is keeping me away from Jinchuriki hunting as I hear they hunt them then extract the tailed beast causing the host to die; I can't handle that guilt. It's embarrassing, but I still haven't killed anyone and I don't think I ever will. Pein makes sure to keep me away from all assassination missions, he acts like an overly protective brother now. Over the past two years we have grown closer and I even know about his past as Nagato and what happened to Yahiko, he saw me cry while he told me about it and ever since he has been overly protective of me, he calls me the light that will guide others out of the darkness; whatever the hell that means. I was walking to where I knew they gathered to extract the tailed beasts and I was going to wait outside for Deidara and Sasori as they were capturing the One tail. I told Dei to be careful, but knowing him he will overdo it and will probably need medical attention. I would wait outside until they were done as the last time I saw the extraction process I cried for weeks when no one was around and the guilt nearly killed me. I was walking up to the cave and when I saw that it was nothing, but a pile of rocks now I had an awful sinking feeling.

"Deidara... Sasori?!?" I called out running into the cave. I stood frozen as I saw all the puppet parts lying around. Thousand of Sasori's puppets were scattered all over the place. I heard coughing and looked to my left and saw Sasori with two puppets either side of him, his purple blood running down from his heart. I found it hard to breath and ran over to him and grabbed his face. "Sasori..." I whispered hoping, wishing it wasn't him or that I was seeing things. He looked up and smiled at me, purple blood running down his lip.

"You look like you've seen a ghost" he teased, breathing becoming shaky. I felt tears start to roll down my cheeks and silently prayed I could help him.

"Sasori-sempai.. Y-you.." I stopped in my tracks and started to shake my head, tears flowing out as I cried. I pulled him free of the blades and lay him gently on the ground. "No.. no you won't die! What if I do one of your forbidden jutsus' or maybe I could try to use my chakra, stop the bleeding or.."

"Shut it brat!" I was interrupted by him barely yelling at me. "I saw your tiny puppet you made while you were gone. It was very impressive, you are coming along in it" I tried to force a smile, but ended up hugging him tightly crying in his ear. He chuckled and I gripped him tighter. "No matter how hard you hold me, I'm still going to die Kootoni. I need you to make sure that my puppets are looked after and don't let the brat destroy them. You should also punch him if he disrespects my art with some stupid sarcastic come back to our art argument, which I know he will come up with" I laughed and nodded my head.

"I promise Sasori" I pulled back and kissed his cheek. "You'll finally see them.. your parents. You can finally feel happy" I forced a smile at him. He smiled at the idea and I could tell he was for once in his life truly happy, he lay his shaky hand on the side of my face and made me look him in the eyes.

"I'm glad I met you and taught you about my art. I'm proud to be the one who taught you. Look after the brat and stop him from doing anything stupid!" and with that he took his last breath and his hand fell back to the ground.

"Sasori.. Sasori.. Please don't.." I shook him harder and harder, knowing there was nothing I could do. I fell to the ground crying over him and stayed there, not wanting to leave him. I then remembered about Deidara and forced myself to get up and left to search for him. I ran through the forest ignoring the empty feeling in my chest and the want to fall to my knees and curl up in a ball. I stopped when I saw the huge crater in the middle of the forest and one of Dei's arms on the ground. I stared at it in shock and gasped putting a hand over my mouth and started to tear up. I heard grunting from the bushes and grabbed a kunai, slowly making my way over ready to attack whoever was there. I dropped my kunai when I saw it was Deidara. I felt a flood of relief and hugged him tightly, silently thanking God that he was alive. I pulled away and saw he had no arms, I gasped and he smirked.

"It looks worse than it feels, yeah" I slapped him across the head lightly.

"You idiot! You need to be more careful Dei I thought you were dead!" He apologized with a sorrowful look and then gritted his teeth in pain. I then went to treat his wounds and tried to stop him from losing too much blood. When I was done, I wrapped bandages around them and then I went through my medical bag and took out one of my newest pills that I created out and tried to feed him one.

"What is that, un?" I rolled my eyes and explained that it would help with the pain and he nodded and I placed one in his mouth and he swallowed it. "Thanks, un"

"Well, what do ya know? Looks like Deidara's a goner too! Blew himself to bits by the looks of it, don't you think so Mr Zetsu?" We heard a very annoying familiar voice say. We started to walk towards it. "There's probably bits scattered all over here" Tobi started laughing hysterically. I looked back to Deidara and he was furious.

"Get your hands of that you fool, un!" Deidara shouted at Tobi, breathing uneven because of his injuries. I could tell he was in a great deal of pain, but he always pretended to be ok in front of others even me.

"Hey he's alive!" Tobi squealed in happiness. Deidara moved closer and I watched closely in case he needed help to steady himself.

"Where's the Jinchuriki?" Zetsu asked. How dare he ask Deidara that! He got his Jinchuriki, his job is done! The only one who didn't get their Jinchuriki was.... Sasori-sempai.... I suddenly felt a wave of sadness wash over me.

"Don't look at me. I did my job, un" Deidara retorted looking slightly.. no very annoyed, I'm surprised he was keeping his cool.

"Dear, dear you must have had a close shave huh Deidara, but your in one piece! Oops, sorry!" Tobi was laughing and trying his hardest to wind Deidara up and he was succeeding. I tried hard not to laugh, but couldn't help it and I giggled causing Deidara to glare at me. I stopped immediately giving him an 'I'm sorry' look.

"Tobi even the Buddha loses his patience after being insulted after a third time, one more word and there will be no doubt about the cause of your death" Deidara threatened and I looked to Tobi with a warning face to shut up. He didn't get the message.

"You're just gonna bomb me to death right?" and that was what made Deidara snap, I saw him trying to keep calm and failing.

"That was the third one" Zetsu pointed out the obvious and Deidara pounced on Tobi causing him to fall and started trying to strangle him with his legs. I was actually very impressed and would have been laughing really hard, but I still felt quite upset.

"Death by suffocation, un" Deidara yelled while Tobi struggled beneath him to get free from his grasp. I spaced out thinking about how much I missed Sasori and didn't notice what the conversation was until they turned to me to ask me something.

"Hm?" I asked, not having a clue about what they were asking me.

"We are leaving, aren't you coming, un?" Deidara asked. I nodded and walked off with them to regroup with the rest of the Akatsuki. I guessed that Deidara knew Sasori was dead too as he was very upset and wasn't being himself on the way home. I was too tired to try to talk to him so we just listened to Tobi go on and on the whole way back. I grabbed the small puppet I was making to show Sasori and just looked at it the whole way home thinking of Sasori and feeling oddly glad that he died happy. 'I hope you are finally at peace Sempai' I thought to myself.


I was actually not upset when I first saw Sasori die as I was more worried about Garra :L But now that I rewatched it I was in tears. Poor Sasori :( I hope I did his death justice in my story. Anyway thanks to Skylafernandez for following me. Thank you! :) Hope you enjoyed reading! :)

P.s Don't own anything, except Kootoni!

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