Chapter 11

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I'm starting to get really impatient as I really want the english dub to catch up to the japanese subbed episodes of Naruto shippuden because I am tired of reading what happens, I want to hear it! LOL

Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto. Enjoy!


I woke up the next morning in an unfamiliar room trying to remember how I got there. I thought back to last night and remembered talking with Deidara and then how he carried me back to the base and realized I must have fallen to sleep in his warm embrace while listening to the soothing beat of his heart. I blushed at the thought and then wondered what time it was. I looked outside and realized the sun was rising and decided I would get up and get ready to meet Itachi for training. I walked past a snoring Deidara and into the bathroom to get showered and changed. I stood relaxing under the warmth of the water, soothing my aching muscles while I watched the water turn red with my dried blood from the day before. After about ten minutes, I finally decided I should get out. I dried myself off and then looked in the mirror. My insomnia has definitely taken it's toll on me as my eyes had big black bags underneath them and my skin was as white as snow, how any one thought me attractive was beyond  me. I eventually got very depressed looking at my reflection so looked away and started to get dressed. I exited the bedroom and saw Deidara still sleeping in his bed snoring and acting like a typical teen. I smiled at the scene and quickly exited the room quietly and walked outside to meet Itachi with my hair still wet and dripping.

"When I said meet tomorrow morning I wasn't expecting you to be up so soon. You could have at least taken time to dry your hair before coming, I wouldn't have killed you for it" I turned to see the raven haired Uchiha who looked so much like his brother. He still looks so damned familiar though, argh! I wish I could remember where I have seen him before.

"Yeah well I don't sleep well and my hair will dry quicker outside in the wind than waiting for it to dry inside" I simply stated and he nodded in reply.

"From your display yesterday I can see you have amazing skill in ninjutsu and can use hand signs at an abnormally fast rate. However, your stamina, strength, speed and taijutsu are nothing to be proud of, so we should really start with those. That being said I am also very interested in perfecting you genjutsu which you seem to have a talent for, so I think we will work on that first for today" I nodded in reply feeling relieved that we didn't have to work on strength, stamina and speed as I hated those exercises back in the leaf village. "Show me the genjutsu you used on Kisame yesterday" I nodded and took a breath before starting the hand signs and used my wolf genjutsu on him. Of course being an Uchiha and being in posession of the Sharingan it took him mere seconds to break it. "It still needs work, but it's pretty impressive. Before I can show you how to improve it, you must be able to know how to break a genjutsu and to do that you need to figure out how a genjutsu works" I nodded and waited for him to continue. "A genjutsu is basically when you disrupt someones' normal chakra flow and so the only logical way to break one is to fix ones' chakra flow by sending out an immense amount of chakra that is stronger than the chakra used to put you under the genjutsu in the first place, got it?"

"Umm I think so" I finally spoke.

"Well then let's see if you do actually get it. I will  put you under a genjutsu and you will have to break it. This will be hard and can cause psychological damage so it's up to you if you are willing to try. Remeber, I won't be affected by it as I will be the one casting it"

"I want to try" I replied determined, I mean how bad can it be? Itachi nodded then told me he would begin and suddenly the surroundings started to disappear as the scene around me changed. I looked around and saw my father, he was telling me a story while my mother started to cook dinner. Suddenly my little brother started crying and father was about to get up, but I told him to stay while I entered the room to comfort him. "Shh, what's wrong, huh?" I was only six and he was four.

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