Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: I own nothing but the OC Kootoni who I made up :)


I continued running through the dark forest, rain pelting against my skin soaking me right through. The loud noises fast approaching and getting closer. My feet are starting to falter under the now slippery wet mud that is getting harder and harder to run in. The half conscious blonde teen dragging me down as I try to rush us out of the dangerous predicament we had both gotten ourselves into. Suddenly as if out of nowhere the three dark shadows that had been chasing us stood before us. 'Shit' I think as I start to panic, it's hard enough to take on even one of the Anbu black ops on a normal day when I'm at peek strength but to take on three with my ever-fading chakra while protecting the now unconscious heavy boy leaning on my now aching body. 

"Stop where you are and surrender now miss Nyoko" said the tallest Anbu member, obviously the leader of the group that was sent after me to, if I were to guess correctly, either talk me into coming back with them to the village willingly or to stall until backup arrived. "Lord Hokage has given permission for you to be relieved of your crimes if you just surrender and come back to the village with the S-ranked missing nin" Just as I thought. But as guilty as I felt about what I had done I couldn't hand him over just like that, not when I knew exactly what they would continue doing to him; I could never forgive myself. Argh! what am I thinking I can't take on three Anbu on my own. I just wish I never joined the Konoha interrogation unit all those years back, maybe then I would never have thought of going against all those who I cared for in my village to save this.. what? Stranger I had just met and knew nothing about! Why did he have this effect on me? I mean I never feel guilty for the murderous and treacherous people who we tortured for days on end to get the truth out of them no matter what age, gender or race they happened to be so why him? He is just like all the rest. What makes him so different? Well it's too late to turn back now.

"I'm afraid I can't do that Commander" I reply and even though I tried to hide it you could still hear the fear and hesitance in my voice. I quickly lay the blonde on the ground while I got into a fighting stance ready to hit them with everything I had until I could come up with a plan to get myself out of this mess.

The girl Anbu behind the tallest member stared me in the eyes and all of a sudden I found I couldn't move. No what's wrong with me? Come on Kootoni move... MOVE. As I tried to move the girl started to walk towards me to restrain me, but before she could put the cuffs on I jumped back after kicking her away. She looked shocked until she realised I had stabbed myself to get myself to move. I was finding it hard to concentrate with the pain shooting through my leg, but willed myself to think of a plan and quick; of course the Anbu members didn't give me a break and came for me straight after I kicked the girl and jumped back. The shorter male made hand signs and shouted out "Wind style: art of the gust blade" making wind blades come straight for me and I dodged as many as I could, but still got slashed by a few.

Then wood started to surround me and started to go up my legs, but before it could get to my hands I used fire release stream burning the wood and me a bit in the process, but I managed to free myself. A wood style user, I didn't even know anyone could use that, but the first Hokage I thought shocked. The taller male then split the ground in half almost making fall into the middle of it, but I jumped away just in time only to be hit by some of the many shuriken coming my way. Damn shadow technique! It's strange that they haven't taken me down yet, they usually have taken someone down in a matter of minutes and they usually fight professionals, so someone like me should be very easy for them unless they were told to not kill me in that case they would have to go easy on  me. Anbu patience, however, is known to be very bad, so they will start bringing the heavy artillery soon and I have to leave before that happens and I'm running very low in chakra. That's it I have a plan, but it's a risky one; I just need a distraction.

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