Chapter 23

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I'm only gonna say this once, I have never been so happy to be off for summer vacation. I hate school sooooo much! and I haven't stopped humming and smiling since I left. I get to practice my animations now instead of being stuck doing scienece. I hate science, but my mum keeps telling me to do it because I'm good at it. It just soooooo boring to me, it doesn't involve much creativity. I think that's why I enjoy writing because you can use your imagination :D In case you haven't noticed that's what mum and I were fighting over this morning. lol Anyway here's the chapter enjoy! Thanks to Bellark99 for the follow! :D


"Ow! Watch it Kakazu, yeah" Deidara complained while he was getting his arms sewn back on. I looked over to him and smiled remembering that he can be so childish sometimes. He had to get a new left arm as Garra had completely crushed his entire left arm in their battle and got his elbow back which now looked very wrinkled as it had lost blood supply to it for a very long time. When Kakazu was done Deidara looked at his arms in the mirror, he didn't seem too happy at how they looked. He just stared at his right elbow slightly upset while Kakazu made his way out of the room saying we have a meeting in ten minutes. When Kakazu left, I walked behind Deidara and hugged him from behind burying my face into his back.

"I don't care about what your arms look like Dei, I'm just glad you're still alive. I love you because you're you, not because of how you look, alright?" I assured him. He turned around and I saw him smile at me and then he returned the hug.

"I know. Thanks, un" he held me for a while then let go and dragged me to the meeting room where we had to discuss today's events.

I was sitting in a sit beside Deidara in the meeting room and they were discussing what happened today and who was going to replace Sasori as Deidara's partner. Pein had suggested Tobi and now I was listening to Deidara argue with him. "What about Kootoni, leader-sama? She has been here longer than Tobi and has improved her skills immensely" he questioned respectfully. I saw Pein think about it for a minute and he was actually considering it until Itachi spoke up.

"Kootoni works well with everyone and even successfully completes solo missions when needed. It would be better if she wasn't tied down to a team as she is the only one responsible enough to complete solo missions on her own" I knew straight away that Itachi was thinking  of the last time I saw the extraction process, he saw me crying in the woods later on that night. I could tell Deidara was glaring daggers at Itachi who was as usual ignoring him.

"What do you think about being a member, Kootoni?" Pein asked me, well aware of how I felt on taking a life. He was probably hoping that I would come up with  a good reason to decline and then he could give Tobi the membership without seeming weak. I knew I didn't want to become a member, but I also knew how much Deidara hated Tobi so I spoke without looking him straight in the eyes.

"I agree with Itachi, Leader-sama. I work well in a team, but I like to do solo missions as well as I don't have to worry about looking after my partners, this allows me to work more efficiently. However, I would also like to still help out on team missions like I used to" Pein nodded in agreement and thought over the options again before saying, "Very well. Tobi you will be Deidara's new partner and Kootoni will stay as a subordinate of Deidara's. You will all head out tomorrow morning to obtain the three tails who doesn't have a Jinchuriki host. Everyone's dismissed"

I walked out of the room and saw Deidara look at me annoyed, but instead of fighting with me he just walked off and headed outside. I frowned and left to go into my room knowing he needed some space and probably missed Sasori just as much as I did. I went to my room and suddenly got a sudden burst of anger and threw all of my puppet parts, clay sculptures, painting and pencils all on the floor and smashed my desk in a fit of rage. I pulled out my books from the bookshelf and started tearing up all my blueprints I had made for some puppets I was working on to show Sasori. I stopped throwing things about the room when I saw one of my sketches from my sketchbook fall out. It was the sketches I drew of Sasori. The first one was of him working contently on his puppets with his back turned to me, the picture I drew when I first came here four years ago and the second was from three weeks ago when I drew him with a smile on his face as I thought it was so amazing that I wanted to capture it so I could look upon it whenever I missed it and couldn't get him to reproduce another one. I never really had to look at it though as I always managed to get him to smile.

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