Chapter 27

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Nothing much to say except, wow I got over 100 views in just one day?! We are now over 700 views. Pinch me I'm dreaming :P lol Anway thanks again guys. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Don't own rights to Naruto


"Hai, Leader-sama" I bowed. We had got back and I waited outside the extraction cave as guard for three days. When the extraction process was finished Pein stayed behind to talk to Deidara, Tobi and me about the talking to the tailed beast incident. Ever since Tobi let it slip that I took down the tailed beast myself; everyone has been very interested in how I managed to do it. I wish I could explain it, but I'm not entirely sure myself and there is no one left out of my clan that I know of so I can't ask anyone what happened. I was now being put on a team with Itachi and Kisame to help capture the four tails as Pein thinks my talent for controlling tailed beasts should help them catch it quicker. I started to make my way out with Deidara and Tobi. I looked around and saw Deidara clearly pissed off that I was teamed with Itachi and he was stuck with Tobi to go find a scroll. I give him a reassuring smile and waved at them both as I made my way to where Itachi and Kisame told me to meet them, this should be fun. I like Itachi and Kisame, but Itachi barely ever talks and Kisame just wants to fight and kill everyone which I kind of get annoyed at him for. I sighed and leaped through the trees to get to them as fast as I could, according to them we weren't that far away from each other so if I just keep up this pace I should meet them in about an hour or two.

"Ahhhh" I heard someone scream after about an hour of running.

"Stay out of it Kootoni, you will just get yourself into trouble" I mumbled to myself.

"Mummy!" a high-pitched voice squealed.

"Damn it" I swore to myself as I started heading in their direction. I jumped down pushing the small girl out of the way of an incoming kunai attack. I hid behind a tree and told her to be quiet and hide here while I save her mother and brother. I made a clone to stay with her and then jumped out from behind the tree.

"Stay out of this little girl!" one of the men threatened me. I grew instantly annoyed and threw a kunai at the one holding the boy up in the air by the throat. He jumped out of the way and dropped the boy in the process.

"I wouldn't underestimate me if I were you!" I smirked making him get very angry.

"Why you little brat!" he yelled while charging at me with a kunai in hand. I moved slightly to the left and he tripped over my foot that I put out in front of him.

"You're not very skilled, are you?" I laughed taunting him. Then, the other man came running towards me while a big guy stood back and watched his teammates fight. I turned around at the last second and hit the man coming up from behind me then threw him into the one charging into me. I used a genjutsu on both and they froze on the floor. I then turned my attention to the guy behind them. He was tall had black hair and had an incredibly strong chakra.

"Those unreliable fools. I told them to fall back, but I guess you have to everything yourself nowadays" he chuckled darkly. I took a fighting stance as he laid down the things he had stolen and got ready to fight me.

"Who are you and what do you want with these people?" I asked my voice slightly cracking at how intimidating this guy was.

"I was just grabbing a few gold coins and items, but decided I wanted to recruit the boy as well. However, the woman was stupid and tried to help him failing miserably. Now she lies dying on the floor, how pathetic!" he laughed and I turned around to see the boy trying to stop his mother from bleeding out too much. I turned back to the man and saw a stream of fire heading straight for me. I quickly did hand signs and I used my water release to put it out and he stopped it from hitting him by making a wall of earth go in front of him. Good so he is an earth user too, I guess I  can test out my new technique out on him. I put my hands into the ground and made lightning travel through the ground and it hit him from underneath I smiled, but my smile dropped when he poofed away. I turned around and he punched me into a tree causing it to split in half. I fell to the ground with a thud my body ached all over and I could tell he had broken some of my bones, what is this guy? He was about to swing his sword at me, but turned around and stabbed through my clone that was approaching him from behind.

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