Chapter 16

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Ok so last chapter was more of a filler, but this one will start to get back into the story again. Enjoy :)

Naruto belongs to Mashasi Kishimoto (Sp?) :D


I awoke slightly dazed and snuggled in closer to the warmth lying beside me. Wait warmth? I opened my eyes and saw I was huddled against Deidara, holding him close to me. I quickly let go and fell off the other side of the bed. I got up and saw Deidara hadn't noticed anything and was still fast asleep, thank Kami he was a deep sleeper. I then went to the bathroom to get changed before I woke the blonde up. I walked over to him and was about to wake him up, but ended up sitting and watching his chest rise and fall slowly, his face was very peaceful and I couldn't help, but smile at the sight before me. "Take a picture it will last longer, un" Deidara mumbled as he started to wake up causing me to turn bright red.

"Yeah, yeah whatever! Hurry up and get dressed already we should start to head to the hidden leaf village and if we walk quickly enough we should be there for night fall" I replied.

"You know some would think that watching people sleep is creepy" he yawned ignoring me.

"I wasn't watching you sleep and just be thankful I didn't wake you up with a scream in your ear!" I protested.

He chuckled, but before he could say anything else I heard someone knocking on the door. I went over and opened to find Sasori who just walked right into the room without any hesitation. "How was your sleep?" he smirked at both of us and before Deidara could snap at him I butted in.

"Actually I must admit that it was freezing last night and Deidara sleeping beside me kept me nice and toasty. I think it was a very smart decision, but then again that is why you are the leader so I shouldn't have expected anything less from you, right?". At first Dei looked at me kinda confused then looked at Sasori who's smirk had disappeared and he caught on and started to follow my lead. 

"Yeah, un. It was the best nights sleep I've ever had, good job Danna" 

"Hurry up and get ready I will be waiting outside be ready and down there in ten minutes" he stated in his normal monotone voice with his normal expressionless face. He then walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. Deidara and I waited until he was a good distance away from our room, then we both burst out laughing.

"I think we got him this time" I stifled between laughs.

"Yeah, I don't think I have seen him that annoyed in my entire time at the Akatsuki, un" he agreed.

After Deidara got ready we met up with Sasori and left the village, we were now walking in the forest getting closer to the leaf village. I was walking just behind Deidara and Sasori like usual when I thought I heard a little girl crying. "Guy's did you hear that?" I asked them. 

"Hear what, un?" Deidara queried.

"It sounded like a little girl crying" Deidara and Sasori both stopped and turned around looking quiet worried.

"Are you feeling ok? This isn't another one of your... attacks is it, un?" I began to doubt myself until I heard it again.

"No, I'm telling you now someone's in trouble!" I started to get very annoyed. They still didn't move and were still doubting my sanity. "Fine, if you won't go I will!" and with that I ran in the direction  I thought the cries were coming from ignoring the yelling behind me telling me to wait up. I finally arrived at a cliff and started to doubt myself again. Damn maybe I am going crazy again. Why is it always this memory? I sighed and started to walk off when I heard a little girl call me. I turned around and saw a very petrified little girl who looked about six or seven years old and she was in tears.

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