Chapter 10

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Wrote this one in advance yesterday knowing how tired I was going to be, smart huh? :D I can now catch up some sleep :P I swear I am sooo lazy XD Well here is chapter 10, Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto!


"We will start training first thing tomorrow, don't be late" Itachi said dragging me out of my thoughts.

"O-oh.. u-um.. yeah ok" I stuttered in reply.

With that he started to walk off, Kisame turned to follow after saying, "Welcome to the Akatsuki kid" with a toothy grin, leaving just me and Sasori standing in the middle of the training grounds.

"Um Sasori-san?" I started to wait for a reply, but he just looked at me waiting for me to continue, making me slightly nervous at his expectant gaze. "Well, I was just wondering where Deidara went" I asked more than stated.

"The brat said something about taking a walk, he can't watch this and then stormed out of the base in a foul mood" he said in his monotone voice as he started to turn around and walk back to the base.

"Oh. Ok thanks". I grabbed my jacket and started to walk around the forest surrounding the base for a bit looking for him, but after a while I just gave up and walked towards the lake and sat down watching the sun set. I heard rustling right behind me and jumped around to see who was there.

"Someone's a little jumpy, but I suppose you would be after fighting someone like Kisame. Heard he won too. Are you all right, un?" said the blonde who I had been searching all day for.

"I'm fine. Why weren't you there?" I asked slightly upset, but glad he didn't see how weak I was.

"I'm sorry I didn't feel like watching you get beaten up, yeah" he replied a little annoyed.

"Hey, I was just asking alright, you don't have to use that tone!" I said raising my voice a little. He just sighed and apolgized. We sat there for a while watching the sunset. After a while, he put his hand in his pouches at his waist and brought out clay that his mouth hand swallowed.. WAIT HIS WHAT? "Your hands" is all I  managed to say while staring in shock at them. He looked at me and his face dropped a little, but he tried to not show it as it was replaced quickly with a smirk.

"Yeah, that's how I make my art, un. You aren't scared are ya?" he teased, but I noticed he was a little tense at that question. He was probably thinking I would say yes, but hoping I wouldn't.

"No, I just never thought.." I trailed off still staring in disbelief. How did I not notice them by now?

"Yeah, yeah I know I'm a freak. I already heard it before, un" he finished the sentence for me, looking a little disheartened.

"What? No I wasn't going to say that! I just.. I wasn't expecting someone who looks so normal to have mouth hands" I looked over at him and realized he wasn't sure to take that as a compliment or insult. "What I mean is I was very surprised to see them at first and it took a little while to get my head around them, but I think they are amazing" I smiled as I took the hand that didn't chew up clay in my hand and inspected it. "How do they work? I mean what do they do?" I asked feeling quite stupid, but also very curious. Out of his other hand came a small butterfly that started to flutter about until Deidara made a hand sign and yelled 'Katsu', then the butterfly exploded into an array of different colours. I sat there in awe as I watched the colours start to fade. "Wow.." I whispered without realising I let that slip out, so this must be what he meant by his bombs are his art. I had no idea he had hands that sculpt clay bombs, I thought he was just a normal explosives expert that loved to blow things up. Well I got one thing right he does love to blow things up, but the way he does it makes it seem almost magical. I turned to see a smirking Deidara.

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