Chapter 28

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Okay so this is the last chapter, enjoy! Thank you all for reading and for the kind comments and support. Hope you enjoyed my story as I enjoyed writing it, hope the ending is good enough. :D Once again Thank you! xx

Disclaimer: The quote at the end is by John Green and the Naruto characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto.


Itachi's POV

I waited sitting on a cliff looking down over the forest while Kisame fought the four tails Jinchuriki and couldn't help, but think about where Kootoni was and what was taking her so long? She was supposed to meet up with us ages ago, we even found the Jinchuriki on our own without her. It's not like her to be late, she's never late.

"You're back" I said noticing Kisame was back from his battle.

"Yeah, but having to bring him back without killing him was quite troublesome" he replied and I looked down to the beaten up old man seeing him barely breathing. It started raining and I felt a sharp pain in my ribs as if they had been broken. Kootoni must be in trouble.

"You still worried about the kid Itachi?" Kisame questioned me noticing that I was being more distant than usual.

"Yes. She should be here by now, she is never late". Kisame looked at me in thought for a moment and then agreed that it was very odd.

"You're right it is strange, maybe we should go check up on the kid" he suggested.

"Agreed. You take the four tails back to the cave and then find Deidara and inform him that she is missing, he should be back from his mission by now. I should have found her by then, but on the off chance I haven't he can help look" I exclaimed and he nodded walking off back to the cave while I went to search for Kootoni's chakra.

I followed her trail to an open area where a battle had clearly taken place. She must have broken her ribs fighting someone, but I don't feel the pain anymore. I wonder does that mean she... no she can't be I can still sense her nearby. I then fell to my knees as I felt an unbearable pain and I heard an agonizing scream. I ran in the direction it came from ignoring the pain I felt. When I got there I saw Kootoni's belongings lying on the ground. It looked like she had been ambushed, where is she now? Is she ok? I started to worry and search for any traces of where she could have gone.

Kootoni's POV

My eyes started to drift slowly open and I saw three blurry people standing in front of me. When my vision cleared I saw Akari begging to see her son.

"A deal's a deal I guess" the man from before stated. I then heard Mamoru running and screaming

"Mummy!" and he jumped into her grip and she hugged him tightly tears of happiness streaming down her face. I couldn't help, but smile at the scene before me at least if I was going to die I could get to see the good I caused.

"How touching" the man mocked. I knew straight away that something was wrong. I tried to get up to help them, but I was too exhausted to move.

"No!" I screamed as I watched him stick a sword right through both of their hearts. The last thing I saw before they dropped to the ground was the look of absolute horror on their faces. "You bastard!! We had a deal!" I yelled tears streaming down my face. I felt my heartbreak in two and the anger and pain was too much to bare now, I was overflowing with emotion and I knew I could never forgive him for this.. NEVER! He laughed at me and said,

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