23- Not Essance Of Silver

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"Hi Mum, Uncle Moony," Halley sighed. Almost a year after she and Ethan had set out to cure lycanthropy, they had made some small progress. Nothing major, but Halley was on the verge of testing a cream to fully heal werewolf wounds.

Venus, however, was not in a good place. Her transformations seemed to be getting worse every time. Halley's Uncle Remus was doing no better if Venus's transformations seemed bad, Remus's were much-much worse.

"Hello Halley," Venus replied, in an exhausted tone.

"Hello," Remus said halfheartedly.

"I take it you guys had a rough night then," Halley glanced at the clipboards listing her Mother and Remus's injuries.

"That's one way to put it," Remus chuckled lightly, wincing as his laughs shifted his weight.

"Well, I'll go and brew up some essence of silver, Healer Edgar should be in soon to look after you until I'm done."

"Healer Edgar?" Venus frowned, "but you've always taken care of me before."

"Don't worry, Ethan was my mentor, he's got just as much experience with werewolves as I do," Halley assured Venus.

"Ethan?" Venus's eyes widened in shock.

"Yes?" The door had opened to reveal a very tired looking-but otherwise okay- Ethan.

"Mum, Healer Edgar, Ethan, this is my Mum and Uncle," Halley grinned at her mother, "I'll leave you lot to catch up. Give me an hour and I'll be back."

Halley left the room and hurried away to the brewing room. This was an opportunity that she couldn't let pass her by. Two werewolves, both with wounds caused by werewolf teeth and claws, were in the hospital. And Halley had a potion that could fully fix those wounds.

She had been waiting for the right time to tell Venus about her studies into lycanthropic cures for a while, and this seemed like as good a time as any.


"Okay, I'm back, let's get you healed up," Halley hurried back into the room, a cauldron in her hands, full of a creamy potion.

"That's not essence of silver," Remus peered into the cauldron when Halley set it down on the table in between the beds that he and Venus were sat on.

"Well," Halley glanced at Ethan, "no. No, it's not."

"What is it then?" Venus gave her daughter a wary glare.

"Relax Mum, I'm a fully qualified professional, I'm not going to poison you or anything!" Halley rolled her eyes, "this potion doesn't actually have a name yet, and I don't know exactly what it will do, but there's a first try for everything."

"What are you on about Halley?" Venus blinked.

"Well, I've been working on a project for a while now, and since Ethan agreed to help, I've actually made some progress, and this is where I'm at so far. If it does what I think it will, then I can fully heal your wounds, and it won't leave a scar."

Remus and Venus both blinked at the younger adult.

"So what you're saying," Remus said, very slowly, "is that you've been looking into a cure for lycanthropy?"

"When you put it like that, it sounds much simpler," Halley scratched the back of her head. "Now, can I please test this on you, otherwise I'm back to testing on Ethan, and he doesn't injure himself as much as you two, so he's not a very good lab rat."

"Hey! I am no one's lab rat!" Ethan protested.

"Okay, sorry," Halley stayed fixed on Venus, "please?" She asked.

"Okay, but if it kills me, then I'm coming back to haunt you."

Halley squealed in delight and dunked a cloth into the potion, beginning to dab it on the new wound on her Mother's arm.

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