Chapter 3

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Lunch rolls around fast, and I'm starving. So far I've gotten through English, Science, History, and business. I only have three classes left, and then I can finally go home.

"Hey!" Paige waves when she sees me, and she joins me in the lunch line.

"Hi," I smile.

"What's for lunch?" she asks.

"Spaghetti," I say, smiling.

"Oh yummy!" she grins.

We grab two trays, fill them with food, and head to a small booth in the back of the lunch room.

"Ali will be here soon. She's a close friend of mine, and she's really easy to get along with," she grins.

As on cue, a tall, blonde haired girl walks up to the table.

"You must be Josephine. I'm Alison, but everyone calls me Ali," she smiles.

"Nice to meet you," I grin, and she gives me a hug.

"So why did you move here?" Ali asks, as we're eating our spaghetti.

"My parents got divorced," I say, frowning a little.

"Mine are divorced too, if that makes you feel any better. Divorces suck," Ali says.

"I didn't mind the move. I didn't fit in well at my old school. I just miss my dad," I say, sighing.

Paige squeezes my shoulder for comfort, and I give her a warm smile.

"Here comes Kendall and her brats heading our way," Paige rolls her eyes.

Ali groans, and I look at them curiously.

"Aww, you two actually made a friend," the tall, brunette haired girl says.

"Oh, and what's your excuse?" I hiss back, not afraid to stand up to bullies.

"You don't even know me," the girl hisses back.

She has two girls behind her. One has black hair, and the other is a blonde. They're both on the short side, compared to the brunette.

"And you don't know me, so please get lost so we can eat our lunch in peace," I wave my hand.

She clicks her heels and stomps away, groaning in the process.

"That was amazing!" Paige grins.

"No one ever stands up to them!" Ali says.

"So, who are they anyways?" I ask.

"Kendall is the brunette one. She's the queen bee of the school. The little blonde follower is Maddie, and the black haired follower is Samantha," Ali tells me.

"They have some nerve if they think they can walk all over me. I don't tolerate bullies," I say.

The lunch bell rings, so I say goodbye to my new friends and head off to Math. I sit in the only empty seat left, next to a boy with long brown hair.

"Hey, I'm Chase," he smiles, shaking my hand.

"Josephine," I smile, returning the shake.

We work on some equations the teacher hands out and I chat with a Chase a little.

"So what brings you to Destin?" he asks.

"My parents got a divorce," I frown.

"I've been there. It's hard at first, but it gets easier," he smiles.

"It just sucks leaving my dad," I say, missing him.

"You'll see him again though," he smiles.

"Hopefully," I mumble, but he doesn't hear me.

I of course know I'll see my dad again, but the problem is I don't know when. He's always working, so he's always busy. I hope he'll make time to come see me.

The bell rings, knocking me out of my thoughts, and I scramble out to economics, hoping what Chase said is true.

Unplanned (Student/Teacher Romance) STORY UNDER MAJOR EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now