Chapter 42; Please Wake Up

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I look up to see mom running inside the emergency room.

"Mom!" I cry as I run to her.

I cry softly.

"Jesse, Ricky, and Ezra all had to go into surgery," I cry.

She smooths my hair and sits me down.

"Who had the worst?" Mom asks.

"Ricky didn't have on his seatbelt, and he flew out the window," Luke says.

I cry even harder. How could this happen?


"Ezra is awake," One of the nurses tells us two hours later.

"Where is he?" I ask.


I practically run to his room, Luke and Chase right behind me.

"Ezra!" I exclaim when I see him.

He has bruises and cuts all over his face, and he has a cast on his leg.

I engulf him in a hug and cry.

"How's Jesse and Ricky?" he immediately asks.

"Still in surgery," Chase says.

"Ricky flew out the window," I whisper.

"Dammit! I told him to put his seatbelt on," Ezra says.

"It's not your fault," I hug him.

"It's all that stupid cars fault," Ezra grits his teeth.

I pace around the room.

"Jo, you need to sit," Luke says, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I just wanna know if my brother and my boyfriend are okay," I frown.

A tear rolls down my cheek.

My mom comes in the room.

"Jesse is out of surgery," she gives a small smile.

"I'll be back soon," I give Ezra a kiss on the cheek, and the boys stay with him.

I follow mom to Jesse's room.

I see him asleep on the hospital bed.

"He should be waking up soon," mom rubs my back.

I see that Jesse has cuts and bruises everywhere, and he's got an arm and leg cast.

I get up on the hospital bed and lay next to him.

"Please wake up soon," I whisper.


"He's waking up," mom says to me around an hour later.

I rush back to the bed.

Jesse's eyes slowly open.

"Hey soldier," I smile.

"What happened?" he asks.

"Car wreck," I whisper.

"How are the other two?" he asks immediately.

"Ezra's fine, but Ricky is still in surgery," I say.

Jesse uses his good arm to pull me into a hug.

"Are you in pain?" I ask.

"Duh," he chuckles.

"I'm so glad you're okay," I smile.

"Me too," he smiles.

A nurse comes into the room, Luke and Chase behind her.

"We have some bad news about Ricky," the nurse says.

I look up at her.

"He's in a coma, and he may not wake up."

My legs literally give out, and I fall to the floor. Tears pour down my face.

"Why couldn't he have put on his fucking seatbelt!" I scream.

Luke wraps me up and I cry into his arms.

At one point I try to punch things and I scream, but Luke holds me as still as possible.

"Why me? Why did this happen?!" I scream.

"Sweetheart come here," Jesse says.

I slowly walk to him and he puts his non broken arm around me.

"He'll be okay," Jesse says.

"You don't know that!" I fume.

"Shh," Jesse hugs me and rubs my back.

"Can we go see him?" I ask mom.

She talks to a nurse outside.

"Luke and Chase, will you go with Jo?" mom asks them.

"Of course," Luke smiles.

"ROom 395."

Luke grabs my hand and we all walk to Ricky's room.

I gasp as I walk inside.

I see bruises, cuts, casts, and lots of wires.

"Ricky," I whisper.

I start to cry and Chase pulls me in for a hug.

"Why did this happen?" I whisper.

Chase rubs my back.

"It helps if you talk to him. He still can hear you," a nurse smiles sweetly.

I walk over to Ricky.

Luke and Chase go out in the hallway, so we can be alone.

"Ricky, please wake up. You can't leave me here," I say, hoping he'll wake up.

He doesn't even move, so I continue.

"Your little boy and little girl need you. Your friends need you. I need you. You can't leave us here. You've gotta fight. Fight for me, for your kids, and for everyone else. Please, stay."

A tear rolls down my cheek.

I kiss his cheek and sit down in the chair next to his. I cry and Luke steps back in.

"We're gonna go see Ezra and Jesse, you wanna come?" Luke asks.

"No thanks," I give a small smile.

"Are you okay?" Luke asks.

I shake my head no and Luke hugs me.

"He'll be okay," Luke assures me.

"I hope so."

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