Chapter 51; Doctors Office

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The next morning I wake up to my phone ringing.

"Hey Paige," I smile as I see her name pop up.

"Good morning sunshine," she giggles.

"How did you sleep?" I ask.

"Good," she grins.

"Why are you calling me this early?" I giggle.

"Why not?" she laughs.

"Luke and Ezra are here, so you should come hang out," I smile.

"Be there soon," she grins.

I stretch out and poke Ricky.

"What?" he groans.

"You're on breakfast duty," I giggle.

He groans.

"Please," I beg.

"Fine. What are you in the mood for?" he asks.

"Pancakes," I smile.

He stretches and I tickle him.
"Stop," he laughs.

I give him a small kiss on the lips and get up. I fix myself some coffee and laugh as I see Ezra and Luke on the couch together, snoring their heads off.

I throw a pillow at them and they jump up.

"Wake up sleepyheads!" I laugh.

Luke and Ezra both groan.

"What time is it?" Ezra groans.

"Noon," Ricky says, walking past us and into the kitchen.

"Make some eggs!" Luke calls, making me giggle.

Ezra gets himself some coffee.


"Breakfast is ready!" Ricky calls an hour later.

I run to the kitchen and I give Ricky a hug. He hands me a plate with pancakes and I put syrup on them.

We all eat and I grin.

"Hey guys!" Paige's voice comes through as she enters our house.

"Hey!" I yell

"What's Chase doing today?" I ask Luke.

Paige walks into the kitchen.

"He's at a family reunion," Luke chuckles.

"Darn," I frown.

"What should we do today?" Ezra asks.

"I have no idea," I giggle.

"Let's go to the arcade!" Ricky grins.

"To the arcade!" Luke calls.

We get into my car and I pull out of the driveway.

I drive two towns over to the arcade and park. We all get out and head inside.

"DDR with me!" I grab Luke's arm.

I drag him over to the DDR machine and put a dollar in.

"You're gonna get killed," I smirk.

"Be careful," Luke grins.

"DOn't worry," I smirk.

Luke picks a song and we immediately start to dance. I try to be as careful as I can not to bounce around but I end up missing a lot of steps.

"Damn!" I say as I see the score.

Luke got close to perfect, and I almost failed.

"I couldn't jump around because of the babies," I say.

Unplanned (Student/Teacher Romance) STORY UNDER MAJOR EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now