Chapter 37; Myself against the world

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My eyes widen and I try to recall last night, but I can't.

"What did I do?" I ask, tears pouring down my face.

"Ricky went to the bathroom, and you started dancing with some man. When Ricky came back, you two were making out," Ali says.

"Why didn't anyone stop me?" I ask.

"No one noticed until it was too late," Paige says.

I get up and run outside. I get in my car and drive home.

The doctors appointment went well. My babies are fine.

I've tried calling Ricky and Ezra all morning, but they're both ignoring me.

I drive to Luke's house and get out.

I knock on his door and he answers, sighing.

"Are you mad at me?" he asks.

"Disappointed, but not mad. Ricky's here and he's destroyed. It'd be best for you to just leave," Luke shuts the door on my face.

My pregnancy hormones kick in and I get really angry.

I take a baseball bat in the yard and smash Ricky's truck windows.

I get in my car quickly and speed away.

I drive home to find my mom.

"Mom!" I run to her and cry.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" she asks.

"I cheated on Ricky," I whimper.

I explain what happened.

"You went to a club?!" she yells.

"Mom, I'm sorry! Nobody will speak to me, and I don't need you mad at me too," I frown.

She hugs me.

"Feel like going baby shopping?" she asks.

"Yes," I instantly smile.

Mom gives me 600 to spend, so I end up buying another infant tub, 2 bassinets, blankets, a glider, and 2 cover quilts for the car seats.

"Thanks mom," I smile.

We unload the stuff in the babies room.

"I'm gonna go try and talk to Ricky," I say.

"Good luck," she gives me a heart warming smile.

I drive to his house to see his shattered truck in the driveway.

I knock on the door and he answers. When he sees me, his face immediately turns into a scowl.

"Ricky, I'm sorry," I whisper.

"For what?! Cheating or smashing my car!" he screams.

"Both. I'll pay for the car expenses," I say.

"Just get the fuck out of my life. If you weren't having my kids I'd send your ass to jail!" he says.

Tears spill down my face.

"I want to see my kids, but I don't ever want to see you again," he says.

I run down the road, leaving my car at his house. I run in the rain all the way to Paige's house.

"What Jo?" Paige sneers as I answer the door.

"Why are you mad at me?" I say.

"Ricky told us what you did to his car. That was low," she says.

I turn around and run home.

I barely got 2 hours of sleep that night. Mom stayed up with me as long as she could trying to comfort me, but eventually she had to sleep.

I put on some sweats and a t-shirt. I throw my hair into a messy bun.

"Don't let them get you down," mom tells me.

"I need to tell you something," I say.

She looks at me and I tell her about smashing Ricky's car.

"Josephine Michelle Manders!" mom says.

She takes my phone and I walk to school, considering my car is at Ricky's.

I walk inside and immediately head to my locker. I dread going to Ezra's class, but I have to.

I walk inside and walk straight to the back.

Him and Ricky are up front talking, and seeing Ricky pains me.

Tears start to roll down my face.

I look up to see someone I would never expect to see.

"Jesse!" I scream.

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