part 3

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"hey Marcus" I say and start to walk out but he grab my wrist and turn me around and our noses almost touch like every time we 'talk'.

Whenever we talk it's short and he in nice to me but it start that we by accident look at echoder that our face are like this now or he make me look at him like this now.

"We need stop do this" I say. "Do what?" "Almost kiss every time we 'talk'" I say. "hmm no this is how we do it" he say with smirk. He let go of my hand and he just stare at me. "stop" I say. "You was bored on math ha" he say. "Yes but I go back" I say.

I turn around but he push me on walk witg both his atms at both my sides. "Why? Stay with me" he say while he come closer and closer to me. Then someone open door and he go away.

"Here you are" Martinus say and look at Marcus. "Why you come" Marcus ask. "Teacher tell me to see where you are" Martinus say. "Well I go back even if I am here 5 minute" I say and go out.

This was so weird. He never was that close to me. When he say 'stay with me' I feel nervous.

Martinus P.O.V

"I tell you to go away from her" I say to Marcus when Petra leave. "hey she come and I tell you if I want fun I will get it" "I don't want that you did same thing to her like to Kathrin" I say. "If she will be good girl then I will don't. But still I didn't start anything" he say. "I don't want to lose one more person that mean so much to me. You knoe I miss Kathrin so much" I say. "you will not if she will be good girl if I do something but still I didn't" he say and go out and I go behind him.

About what Marcus and Martinus talked?

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