part 23

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I come home and go up in my room. I can't belive I sleep with her in this way. Ugh why again. Whyyy?

"Martinus..." "No shut up now I want to say something. Why again. Why same story need to repeat. I like Petra so much more then friend like I did with Kathrin and you like hate me that I need sleep with them. Why you get in this shit? Why didn't you go with me home on that party? Why??"

I broke down on floor. I just can't like this anymore. "I hate them" I say. "I doing it to protect you because if I don't they will kill you or me and do same with you like with me" he say. "I don't want this too" he say and hug me. "I'm sorry this all is my fault" he say.

*Flashback end*
Marcus P.O.V

I trying to fix my mistake. How? I don't know I just wait for right moment. But I know that tonight I will show Petra real Marcus. No I don't want to force her for sex if she don't want.

And till she is here lot tings hapined. Kathrin come back here and I never saw Martinus hapier but then he remind himself of Petra and he is again sad but he don't show it. We didn't say Kathrin where is she. She try to avoid me and it's okay.

"Marcus" Jack come. "What" "tomorow everybody except you and Martinus will go in Sweden. We need to try new drugs and we will bring some here so you and your brother will be alone here maybe whole month" he say. Well here is right moment. "Okay" I say. I text Martinus same. Well now I just need plan.

What Marcus trying to do?

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