part 9

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"what you mean Marcus" I ask. "I want it too" he say and he put his forehead on mine. His hand slowly trawel down from my back to my ass and I feel uncomfortabe. "Marcus you should know if this is my first kiss this will be mine first time too but I don't want it" I say.

"Why? Don't worry I would be gentle" he say. "Because I want it with someone I love no with boy who just start to be my friend" I say. "But it's better if you have it with someone who will make it good but he is nothing to you, I mean on me, then with boy you love who will make it realy bad" he say. "You seem much confident" I say.

"Come on I will make you feel good" "you say that you don't want Martinus to know about this but I'm shure he will found out" "I will tell him later but you will go back in his room when we will be done" he say. He realy don't give up.

He pull me closer and my arms are around his neck now. "I know how to make girl feel good" he say with deep and sexy voice. "I don't know Marcus ..." he cut me off with kiss.

He keep kissing me and he lift me up in his arms. I get lost in this kisses. "Come here" he say when he put me down. He took my hand and we go to his room.

He have realy similar room to Martinus but still not same. "Awee pictures of you and Martinus" I say and look at them. "Haha we are not here because of that" he say and hug me from behind "I know" I say and turn around.

Next part will be dirty 😏😏

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