part 19

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Marcus P.O.V

Principal call my parents to come and he was asking me all time why, how I can... But who care. My parents come. "I will not tell this to police or anyone but try to make him stop and let him stay in school and see if he have more in his room" he say. "okay... Marcus we will talk about this at home" mom say.

I get out. How now I will take it. I alredy need to but ... Uhh Petra is done. I take my phone and text Leo to come after this lesson what's last one and that we have someone.

Petra P.O.V

We sitting in class listen to teach. I can't because I'm scared what Marcus will do to me. Then he come in class. He sit down and his hands are shaking. "because he didn't take drugs" Martinus whispered to me.

School bell ring and I feel Marcus eyes on me. When I get out of classroom he pull me with him. "Marcud my arm hurt" I say. "you think I care" he say. He pull out of school in place I meet Jack. He push me in black car and door automatically get locked.

I see boy in front I don't know and Marcus sit beside him. Then Martinus open oder door and sit beside me. "what she did" boy ask. "Open Marcus backpack" Martinus say. Marcus put needle in his arm. Uhh eww.

Boy start to drive. "my name is Leo if you want to know. You alredy know who Jack is and there you will see 3 more boys. One with piercing on face is same age as me and Jack his name is Jason and then two who just filled 16 one with red hair Andre and one with same hair like Martinus but not him Nico" Leo say. "Don't worry there are some girls too" he add. Where I going? I'm scared what will hapined with me.

What will hapined with Petra there 😱

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