part 18

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I get ready for school and when I get put I saw Marcus and Martinus waiting for me. I hug Martinus and we start walk. "Marcus bro you okay" Martinus ask because he see he is ... Difrent. He have messy hair more then usually and he just look around and ... He is weird.

"Yeah I just need that Jack give me more drugs" he say. "Petra is..." "I know about it" I say. "I thought you don't want her to know" Martinus say. "Well she now know" Marcus say. "Can I ask what is Jack to you" I ask. "boss" Marcus say. "Okay" I say.

We come in school and I see Marcus go same way like almost every day so it mean he go to take drugs from Jack. Well now I need wait. "Petra what are you think about" Martinus ask. "Nothing" I say. "well okay" he say.

School bell ring and we go in class. After lesson I go to my locker and leave all stuf here. "If I don't take it now then you know what will hapined" I heard Marcus say to Martinus. He go to his locker and put backpack down. I see he will take one pill.

I come beside him and open his backpack on place where all his drugs are. He didn't notice. He close his locker and take his backpack. He didn't even put it on his one shoulder when everything of it fall out.

In whole school corridor you can hear how glass broke because that what he put in needles is in glass like from doctor but this won't help you. Every eyes are on Marcus.

"What hapined" principal come. He look at Marcus and down on floor. "In my office" he say and show at his backpack. Marcus give it to him. Before he go he stop to me. "This was your end Petra. If I don't care about you just little you will alredy be on same place like Kathrin. Trust me it can be worse then you just sleep with me. You will see." he say and leave.

What will hapined with Petra now what you think 😱

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