part 12

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Martinus P.O.V

I wake up with my arms still around Petra. She is so cute. I think I start to have realy strong feelings for her. She moved a little and I can get away. I don't want to wake her up yet because she seem tired.

I get up and do my morning rutine and I go downstairs. Marcus is alredy here. I sit beside him. "Good morning" I say "good morning" he say. "I need to tell you something" he say "what you did now" I ask because all time he say this sentence he did something I don't like or hate or similar.

"Petra is in" he say. "WHAT" I almost yell. "Be quiet" "you can't..." "I tell her to be good girl and if she did something wrong then she will be in trouble" he say. "I will kill you" I can't believe I don't want same thing again.

"Don't tell me you feel something for her" "I do but I will never get over Kathrin completely and you know that but ... I do start to feel something for Petra" I say "your problem bro" he say with smile "Marcus I..." "Trust me ... If I realy want to give her to Jack I alredy will" he say.

"What you mean with that" "I say what I mean with that" he say and go in kitchen. What he mean if he want to give her to Jack he alredy will? Is that mean he don't want her to get hurt by him or want her for himself? I'm not shure that he feel something for her.

"Martinus can you help me" mom say. "Yes" I say. "Marcus go wake up Petra for breakfast" mom say. "I will" he say with smirk. I look at him realy mad. He walk up. "Is everything good" mom ask. "Yes why?" "You cut plate but there is nothing on it" she say. I look down ... Ugh... "Ehm I just think" I say. Why he doing this? Do Jack tell him to do that?

Who is Jack?

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