Chapter 3

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"She's so cute when she's asleep."

"Prince Hoseok, please leave. She is in the middle of a lesson."

Annoying! Loud! Voices! I don't like it. I fluttered my eyes open, trying to adjust to the new but old room. I must of fell asleep during a lesson. Well who wouldn't! I've been up for almost 2 days now, STUDYING!

Namjoon went to take a bathroom break, which means 5 minutes of nap time. Looks like I went over board.

"Oh, she's awake." The voice patted my head, lightly. "Good afternoon, y/n."

Prince Hoseok, also known as my fiancé, is here. WAIT AFTERNOON. I abruptly lifted my head up and looked at the window behind Namjoon.

"How long was I asleep," I asked Namjoon. It was only 10 when I fell asleep, if I don't recall.

"Enough to make a whole page wet," Namjoon said, pointing at the textbook with a wet page. My eyes widen and I wiped the corner of my lips. The librarian is gonna be really mad seeing one of his books wet. It's okay mr.librarian! It's a royal blood's drool.

"My, my! You look tired. How long have you been up," Hoseok questioned, snapped my head towards him. I almost forgot he was there.

"Queen Rochelle never let me sleep," I rolled my eyes. When I become queen, she will be the first one to get her head off. Ruin my beauty sleep and not let me eat Jin's sweets.

"Well I'm here now! Go get some sleep," Hoseok helped me out of the chair. I shook my head.

Prince Hoseok and I are very close. He knows everything about my hatred towards the queen. Our engagement was arranged. We didn't like each other that way so I decline the marriage. Queen Rochelle got fussy and said "if you don't marry him then I'll make you marry King Jung-Hwa.

King Jung-Hwa is 63 years old with many wives. I'll past him. Hoseok and I were to be married after I become queen. We made a deal that after we get married, we will be getting a divorce, since we didn't like each other in a romantic way.

"I'm fine. I'll survive," I smiled and stretched my arms. Hoseok smiled back.

"How about a walk around the palace then. To get a break from your studies," Hoseok asked. Hoseok knows about my dream of going outside the palace. He knows I love the outside.

I nodded my head and grabbed Hoseok hands. "Bye Namjoon! I'm never coming back!" I dragged Hoseok out of the study room before Namjoon said anything.

"A princess shouldn't be leading the way," Hoseok chuckled and ran faster than me. He was now dragging me.

He was running a little to fast and my dress is quite long. I lost my balance and tripped on my dress. Before I fell face first to the floor, Hoseok caught me. His hands were around my waist.

Our faces were only inches apart.

"Sorry," Hoseok says, not moving. I studied his beauty. He's quite charming, now that I look at it.

"You should be. If the princess were to get hurt in your hands, then I don't think the queen is afraid to cancel the marriage."

Hoseok quickly let go of my waist as I moved 5 inches away from him. We both avoided eye contact with each other and were blushing furiously. My eyes slowly moves towards the voice.

"Ah Yoongi! Still the same I see," Hoseok smiles. Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Princess, aren't you suppose to be in the study room," Yoongi asked. A gust of wind blew through my hair. We're already outside?!

"Namjoon released me," I said, looking around the area. Looks like Hoseok and I stumble across the training field. There were many guards who are standing in rows. They were also looking at us.

"I see," Yoongi said, his eyes trailing to where I was looking at. Yoongi mentally face palmed at how the trainees are staring right at the princess.


The trainees jumped in fear and quickly bowed. A particular trainee caught my eyes. It was that kid who bumped into the queen. Jeon Jungkook. I chuckled at the memory. I thought he was leaving? Guess not.

"You know we can cut off your head too, Yoongi," Hoseok said.

"We are only bowing to our princess not you," Yoongi said, bowing to me now. I don't get why but Yoongi and Hoseok has the hate relationship every since the engagement started.

"Tch, nothing changed," Hoseok said. I don't get it? How can someone hate Hoseok? He's like the sweetest person in the whole wide world! I've never seen him get mad at someone.

"Ah Prince Hoseok! How are you," Queen Rochelle said, walking towards us. I mentally groan. If she sees me then she's gonna create a hissy fit.

"Your highness, I'm doing well," Hoseok says, gently taking her hand and kissing the back of it. She giggled and turns to me. Her loving stares at Hoseok turned to a glare at me. If you like my fiancé so much, why don't you marry him?

"Why aren't you in the study room," she asked. I rolled my eyes.

"My back hurts so I'm done bowing," Yoongi mumbled, rubbing his lower back.

"Nam-," I stoped my sentence. If I tell her Namjoon released me then he for sure will get a punishment. He was order by the queen to keep me to study. I don't want Namjoon in trouble because of me.

"I requested her time," Hoseok said, finishing my sentence. "It's been a while since I've spend time with my fiancé." Thank you Hoseok.

"Ah yes. You are right," Queen Rochelle put on her flirty tone. See, if I said that she will get all hissy. Bipolar much?

"Excuse us now," Hoseok put his arms around my shoulder and guided me to the garden.

Author POV

Queen Rochelle watched as her step daughter walk off with her prince.

"Alright get up! Back to training," Yoongi said. Everyone groan and massaged their back. He completely forgot about them bowing. The queen turned to the trainees. She smiled when her eyes landed on one.

"Yoongi, how's my chosen one doing," she asked.

"He's still sucks. I don't get why you wanted to keep him when he bumped into you," Yoongi said, also eyeing the boy.

"He stands out to me," she smiled. Yoongi looked at the queen.

Or maybe because you've taken a liken to him. Yoongi rolled his eyes. Can't wait until you die.

The Thief is my Prince  [DISCONTINUED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें