Chapter 6

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"She's such a big deal! I don't get why though? She's just another Queen Rochelle," Taehyung complained.

Taehyung and Jimin arrived at Ms.Kang's house. Taehyung went straight to complaining about the upcoming queen.

"How about telling the whole world about your complaints about the queens," Ms.Kang whispered, looking out the window to make sure no royal guards were outside her house.

"There are none. We made sure," Jimin said, leaning against the wall.

"I wonder what goes in the royal palace? Like how come they didn't show the princess's face," Taehyung said, taking a seat in one of the stools.

"Maybe because the princess is hideous," Jimin said adding a fake gasp. Taehyung's eyes widen. Ms.Kang scoffed and whacked both their heads.

"You both really want to be die," Ms.Kang said, going to the kitchen to get some water.

"Who would arrest a cute face," Jimin said, smiling big. Taehyung dramatically fell onto the floor at how cute Jimin was. Ms.Kang chuckled and got two cups of water.

"Thank you," the two boys said and gulped the water. Jimin was the first to put the cup down. His thoughts were on the upcoming coronation.

"Do you think the princess will be a good queen," Jimin asked. The older lady couldn't help but smile a little.

"For sure," she smiled. Jimin tilted his head in confusion but ignored asking more questions.


"Y/N!" Queen Rochelle yelled, stomping towards me. I mentally groan. I'm still at this boring rehearsal. The witch wanted to make the coronation perfect so we had to keep repeating the same movements and words over and over again.

The moon is out now and I'm starving. My hair feels heavy from all that hair spray and golden hair pins. At least my bathroom will be dried up, right?

"Head up high," she said, harshly lifting my chins up. I rolled my eyes and looked over at my dad. He was looking back at me. Perfect! I tried to tell him with my eyes about dinner. He got my signals.

"Rochelle, lets take a break and have dinner. We will have more energy," dad said, getting off his king chair. I looked at the woman in front of me, hoping she will agree.

"Dinner is a waste of time," she said, coldly. I watched as she walks to her chair.

"Clearly everyone is tired," he said, resting his hand on her shoulder. She looked at me and I eagerly nodded my head.

"Fine," she sighs out. I cheered and lifted my dress from the ground so I can run to the dinning room.

"Y/N!" I heard Queen Rochelle yell. I ignored her and kept running. Did I mention, I'm wearing heels. I'm surprised I didn't face plant into the floor.


"It's so nice out here," Jimin lightly moan out. Taehyung nodded, jumping onto the couch.

Jimin and Taehyung were on the rooftop of Ms.Kang's house. They had a couch and a bed set up there to sleep.

"The weather just gets nicer every time," Taehyung said, staring at the stars above him. Jimin followed Taehyung's gaze.

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